You were causally reading a book in the room until you heard noises coming from outside at the front, what could possibly be going on?

You decided to look at the commotion, even though you weren't supposed to but it was really irking you a lot because you couldn't focus on the book.

There was a boy with a demon girl next to him with a muzzle and a pink and black kimono, kind of giving you Deja vu when Giyuu brought you here on his back. The boy was being pressed down by the boy that looks like a wannabe snake.

You decided to go outside in the sunlight to where the scene was, causing all the attention to be on you.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the room?" Ubuyashiki asked her.

"Well I was, I was reading a book until there was a lot of noise coming out of here.. So I just came here to check because it was bothering me?"

"Oh, my apologies, we've just had another visitor with another demon girl. You can stay out here if you'd like Y/n, but don't cause any trouble please."

"These people are seriously weird."

You took a seat all the way at the end sitting by yourself reading the book you liked. It was practically the only thing you could do here. It was still noisy but it was whatever.

"But you have another demon girl staying here so why can't we! We have nowhere else to go!"

"That girls harmless, she doesn't drink human blood and we can't trust you and this girl you brought over here specifically. So we have to do this to you."

There's Tomioka being depressing again and taking his job so 'seriously.'

Sanemi arrived at the scene with a brown box. You almost snorted out loud. Windy can't ever mind his damn business, I think he has a crush on his master or something.

"I'm having a lot of fun torturing these demons, it makes me happy." He stabbed Nezuko with his sword.

"But let's see the real test, I did it with our other little friend over there sitting by herself like a lonely little kid." Sanemi laughed at you.

You stood up, about to get defensive but you would be kicked out, so you decided to say. "Excuse me? I'm sure you got this wrong because I'm 19 years old, let's not act like you're the little kid here who acts like he's still a pre-teen."

Everyone was shocked, including Giyuu who probably never reacts to almost anything.

He didn't say anything for a moment, until he decided to continue. "You're a fucking bitch, you know that?"

"Yeah I knew that already, thanks for the compliment though." You sat back down while Sanemi was fuming with anger.

"I'll kill you later after I deal with this little girl." He said while shifting his focus back to Nezuko.

He placed a cut in his arm, blood dripping on the floor shadow as Nezuko started to come out the box. He was doing another test with his special blood that 'attracts' demons to it.

Thank goodness she refused because you surely wouldn't take any blood from him.

"That settles it then, they will be accepted to stay with the demon slayer corpse as she causes no harm with Y/n. Show her around will you?" He looked at you

With me? Like hell I barely know where is where in this damn place!

"Uh, yeah of course. Right.. let's go, I'll show you around over here."

She ran to grab your hand and hugged it, I guess she was attached to you easily since you were probably the only other demon around that could understand her.

"Do you like the place?" The demon girl nodded. "You know, this reminds me of something." The girl tilted her head in confusion.

"I got turned into a demon and my family was killed, I became something that killed my family and it wasn't my fault. And I get blamed for it, you know I'm probably just like you but an older version you know?" You smiled at the little girl.

She smiled back. You were enjoying the moment until you heard a familiar voice behind you. "You're a babysitter now? Yikes." Of course it was Tomioka.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm actually good at raising kids and know how to treat them well, even though they annoy me sometimes it's whatever, you're probably so boring the call you depressed too. I don't see why they wouldn't."

"You're always so mean for a living, were you even like this when you were human?" No, but I wasn't entirely nice. But hey I'm a demon so my tone is rude a lot.

"Oh well, I guess that your child now, she looks just like you but younger and a kid. And you know, I actually liked how you got Sanemi back there."

"It was nothing, he's just so annoying and always in someone's business. About time someone told him."

Tomioka laughed. You were confused a little since usually he doesn't almost half of the time and this was absolutely a rare moment.

"You actually laughed? Man I wish i could've recorded that because that'll probably be the last one in a lifetime that I'll ever see you smile again." You snorted.

"Shut up."

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