Ever The Contrarian

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN! The last chapter was unhealithly long XD

The 8-year-old version of Mercury ran down the dusty path that led to her cottage. After barging in, she grabbed coins off the messy floor, which had books and papers scattered all over it, and darted back out. Upon reaching the town square, she promptly looked up to mutter something. A prayer, maybe - or, rather, her mantra which she had bravely carried with her from a young age. all well that ends well! but, while she was looking up, she forgot to look ahead - and barrelled into another person - 10-year-old Nox. "Oh my god! im sorry - I didnt see you!" mercury rambled, crawling over to Nox and helping him up. "Are you hurt!" Mercury said, and Nox looked at her quizzically. "No, Im fine. are you okay?" he siad after a minute of staring, and Mercury bowed low. "Of course! im peachy!" she said delightedly. "Peachy?" Nox asked, tilting his head. "Yes! peaches are the best! that means I am the best!" Mercury cheered arms in the air.

As they continued to talk, suddenly, some gangster kids appeared out of nowhere. LMAO. "Hmmm? Do I know you?" one of the kids asked, and Mercuyr flinched. 'Yes... Im the village Orphan."

"Oh. alright. No wonder you got left behind, then, All you've got going for you is your pretty brains and you still came second to that goody-two-shoes, Iodine. Admit it, you can't compete with me." the gangster kid jeered, and Mercury tilted her head. "Second, was it? well, according to me, that's higher than what you got, 30th place, so I don't think I'm so bad off."

the gangster kid flushed. "and, of course, the definition of compete is to go against someone or something with only a chance of winning. You, however, have no chance of winning against me." Mercury taunted back, not afraid. quite cheeky. She had quite the sass back then too. Suddenly, she was shoved to the ground. the gangster kid kicked her and she screamed and covered her head. Snarling, he muttered, "Compete with that, orphan."

as they stalked away, Nox helped Mercury stand up. "You shouldn't let them bully you." Nox said, glaring at their backs. "Nah, I don't have a choice. Orphans should know their place, apparently, because regular village kids are above them. Also, don't you dare use the "fight back" lines against me? You didnt do anything when they pushed me!" Mercury said, picking at her nails. "Aren't you mad? or sad?" Nox asked, and Mercury shrugged. "I get it, honestly. And I don't care. Ive heard it all before, all the insults behind my back. I'm used to it." Nox stared at her for a moment, and then said, "You should get some medicine. there's a bad cut on your forehead."

"But I don't have any money!" Mercury protested. "I'll pay. It's okay, I have a few coins to spare. Plus, your right, I should have done something." Nox said. "what?! Really?! Oh my god! thank you thank you!" Mercury squealed, and Nox stared at her quizzically again. "Why are you so excited? it's just a few coins."

"No, that's not it! you're helping me! like a friend! thank you!!" Mercury said, hugging him. Nox pushed her off. Soon, they appeared back at her cottage. There was a large bandaid on Mercury's forehead now, and she rubbed it with a pleased expression. "Meet me back here tomorrow at midnight!" she said excitedly. "Huh? why?" Nox asked, and Mercury grinned at him, winking. "You'll see!"

the next day, Mercury was snoring on the mattress she had laid on the floor when she heard a knock at the door. "Mercury?" the voice of Nox came, muffled through the wood. Mercury stirred awake, rubbing her eyes. Midnight? already? "it's midnight already? okay, coming! hold on!" Mercury said, opening the door. "What did you want me to come here for" Nox started, but Merucyr just walked out the door. "Come on! follow me, I have something to show you!" Mercury called, and Nox followed after a few sentences of grumbling. As they walked out of town, Nox stopped walking suddenly. After a minute, Mercury turned around to look at him. "Huh? Why'd you stop walking?"

"I can't go outside town!" Nox protested, and Mercury sighed, annoyed. she was never one to listen to rules - they seemed to be overly boring. like chains sneaking around her ankles, constantly tying her down until she tripped on them. But she always managed to shake off the chains - Nox, however, was tripped over by them multiple times. This time, though, she would shake off the chains for him. Finally, she grabbed his wrist and forcefully dragged him down the trail. "Huh?! what!!! let go of me!" Nox said, twisting, but Mercury had no intention of letting go. Besides, her grip was quite strong from swinging a sword around. "Hurry! what if we miss them, then all of this will be for nothing!" Mercury said angrily, and Nox sighed. "Okay! but at least tell me where we're going-"

he stopped mid-sentence. They were standing in the middle of a field of night blooms, which used the energy they got from the sun in the day to glow at night. This was to confuse herbivores into not eating them, in fear of them being toxic. Mercury and Nox didnt need to eat them, though. They were just here to breathe in the beauty. and, beautiful they were. an entire field of white glowing under the moon. "Welp! you said you never went out of town before, and this is my secret spot! so, im paying you back for the bandages. Thanks! Oh, and I brought cookies. Want one? we can sit on the grass and eat together! Midnight snacks!" Mercury siad, taking a packet of stale biscuits out of her pocket. Nox stared at them quizzically, then took one slowly. As he bit into it, he instantly spit it out. "EWW! THEY TASTE SO BAD!" nox said, spitting it out onto the grass. "More for me, then." Mercury said, snickering. Nox sighed and sat down the the grass, surrounded by the nightblooms, which gently waved at them in the wind. Mercury picked two flowers and held out one to him. "Put it in your hair! then we'll match!" Mercury said excitedly, and Nox accepted the flower. He knew better to fight with her at this point since Mercury was so stubborn. Mercury sat down next to him, and Nox smiled at her. he had this warm, prickly feeling in his heart, that he couldn't exactly describe, but he was sure it would go away if Mercury did. "Wanna be friends?" Mercury blurted, and Nox grinned. "Of course!" "Do you promise?" Mercury asked, unsure, and not expecting such a prompt answer. Nox held out his pinky. "I swear on this field of flowers - no, I 

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