chapter 9.

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I walked back to the castle with Tommy and he talked to me all about his friend Tubbo and how he was a prick because he always betted with Tommy and won. I stayed silent because I'm not going to argue with a sixteen year old. 

We reached the castle and Phil just had me sort papers in a dusty room that was in a scary hallway that looked like someone hadn't walked in a hundred years. I finished up in about two hours before my breathing almost stopped from all the dust. I left the room and walked into the moonlit hallways trying to find Phil; after about twenty minutes I could not find a single soul in the eerie castle. 

 Where was Phil?

Where were the maids?

"Hello?" I called out the moonlight hitting my hair and my dusty pants. "Is there anyone here?" My voice bounced off the walls and back to me. I walked forward but my foot sank into the floor causing me to jerk backwards and fall. I was being pulled into the ground. I started to freak and push my arms behind me to pull myself up. 

"Help!" I screamed as the walls started to warp and the ceilings were dropping and twisting in an unnatural way. I screamed as I dug my nails into the carpet. My hair was falling into my face and I couldn't see. I heard a clock start to chime and a voice whispered into my ear. 

"The book" The voice hissed into my ear making me flail. My body was halfway into the floor my waist just sticking out. I screamed until I felt my throat close with forceful hands. I flailed and threw myself as much as I could. I opened my eyes and I was almost all the way into the quicksand of the floor. I could feel open air around my legs. The grip around my neck loosen as I slipped all the way into the ground. 

I feel about six feet onto a tall bookshelf. It was quiet. Where am I? 

"Hello?" I called out, fog coming from my mouth as I spoke. I pushed myself up with my elbows and swung my legs over the bookshelves and jumped down. 

"The book, the book, I need this!" I hear-wait, that sounds like me. What is happening?

I see myself turn the corner and I jump out of my skin and throw myself into a bookshelf as I, well past me I guess speed walks by.

"Hello?" The copy of me doesn't even turn around and scans the shelves reading every title. 

Where am I? I don't remember this?

"I need the stupid book where is it!" Past me shouts. I try to reach out and grab my copys arm but my hand just falls through it. I pull my cold hand back and turn to see me pacing up and down the shelves.

"I need the money! Where is the stupid book!" I shout. Why was I so angry? 

I see movement past my old self and see a white face with a red eye peak out. They are tall and they see my past self and throw themselves back into hiding. 


I rush towards where he hid himself and see his back against a cobblestone wall taking deep breaths. 

"Ranboo?" He doesn't see me, just like my past self. 

We both hear a thud and look around the corner, me being less stealthy than Ranboo. My past self is lying in a crumpled mess on the floor. I'm not dead, obviously, but why was I on the floor? Honestly it's embarrassing because it seems like no one hurt me. 

Ranboo sneaks around the corner and stands over me and lightly jabs my side with his shoe.


He then bent down and turned my face so my neck was exposed. There were red veins running up my neck and instinctively I put my hand to my neck. He sighed and whispered, "poison spiders". 

Before I could say anything he picked me up and disappeared. I ran to where I once was on the floor and see a poof of purple behind me and I spin and see Ranboo at a shelf with a red liquid, "this should be good" and then he walks over past me, almost thru me and grabs a green leather book with a smile. I see him close his eyes and I lunge to grab him and I fall forward into darkness. 

760 words

Hehe...oh no whats happening

Sorry for missing last weeks post my mom had to go to the ER, I had to get a cavity filled, 3 tests, and a lot of school work. Sorry!!

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