episode 29: Brix

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Romeo and Leon sat in silence, absorbing the eerie atmosphere of the Mystical Medallions shop. The dimly lit room was filled with various mystical artifacts, from crystal balls to ancient books with runic inscriptions. The shop owner, a wizened old man with a long beard, muttered incantations under his breath as he prepared their order.

"So, what did Moon Black tell you about Pluto?" Leon asked, breaking the silence.

Romeo shifted in his seat and looked at Leon with a solemn expression "how did you know?".

Leon pointed to his ears, "I heard you mumbling to yourself last night."

"He told me information on Pluto that might help in our next encounter, he also told me in fewer words or less that he is impossible to kill"

Leon's eyes widened in shock. "That's not good."

"I know," Romeo replied. "That's why I made the deal with Moon Black. But there's a catch."

"What catch?" Leon asked, sensing the unease in Romeo's voice.

"I allowed Moon Black to possess me for one minute, at a random moment," Romeo said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know when it will happen, or what he'll do when he takes control."

Leon's expression hardened. "If it comes to that, I'll do whatever it takes to stop him," he said firmly. "We can't let Moon Black or Pluto win."

Romeo nodded, relieved to have Leon by his side. He knew that they were facing a dangerous enemy, but with their enchanted vampire stakes and their determination to protect the city, they stood a chance.

The two young men picked up their order and proceeded to join the others outside.

The third wish guild  stood near the large sewer grate, their faces scrunched up in disgust at the foul smell emanating from the opening. Romeo took out a small vial of magic potion and handed it to his team.

"Drink this," he said, holding out the vial. "It'll help you get through the sewers without being overwhelmed by the smell."

Sonny and Rose eagerly took the vial and drank the potion without hesitation. Leon, however, hesitated and wrinkled his nose.

"I don't need that," he said stubbornly. "My enhanced sense of smell can handle it."

Romeo shook his head. "Suit yourself, but you might regret it later."

With that, Romeo led the way into the sewer, followed by Sonny and Rose. Leon reluctantly followed behind them, his nose twitching with every step.

As they walked deeper into the sewers, the smell grew stronger and more putrid. Leon began to regret not drinking the potion as his stomach churned.

Sonny and Rose, on the other hand, were fascinated by their surroundings. They marveled at the strange creatures that scurried along the walls and the eerie glow of the luminescent fungi.

As they made their way deeper into the sewer, Sonny continued to regale Rose with tales of their previous adventures. They had been through so much together, from battling ninjas in the forest to infiltrating a high-security Mafia facility.

"But the craziest thing that ever happened to us was when we got kidnapped by the swine mafia family," Sonny said, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Rose's eyes widened in surprise. "The swine mafia family? Who are they again?"

Sonny grinned. "They're a notorious gang. They're always causing trouble for the residents of the city."

Leon rolled his eyes. "And we got caught up in their mess. Magnus, our guildmaster, was one of their leaders and he let us go."

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