Facing (the Enemy)

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Haruka's eyes widened at the two men in front of her. She had seen some pretty weird people in her short lifetime, but this pair was something else entirely. One man had a giant sword slung lazily over his shoulder, his blue skin shining slightly in the light. He reminded Haruka of the fish she would eat for lunch occasionally, except a lot deadlier. Despite the fish man's disturbing appearance and weapon, though, it was his partner that managed to give off the scarier aura.

He had dark, black hair that was tied back in a low ponytail and tucked into the high collar of his cloak, and pale skin that seemed as if it belonged to a rich, pampered lady rather than an S-ranked criminal. His eyes were sunken slightly, making him look like he hadn't slept in days, and shone a deep, bloody red that sent shivers up her spine. It was as if she was looking at a copy of Sasuke, only much, much stronger and much more ruthless.

"Who're you...?" She managed to force out, barely keeping on her facade. Everything in her was screaming at her to just grab Nii-san and run, but that wasn't a possibility. If she wanted to keep him safe, she had to stand her ground.

"Naruto. We would like you to come with us." Itachi said quietly. There was no mistaking the threat in his voice.

"Wha-! Like hell am I goin' with you! Believe it!" Haruka screamed, forcing herself into the hallway as if she planned on fighting the two. Nii-san would definitely attempt to confront them, and by moving the fight away from the doorway, there was a smaller chance of him being seen.

"Feisty, huh, Itachi?" The fish man grinned, showing off his shark-like teeth. The sight of them made Haruka's stomach clench, but she just glared, channeling her inner Naruto Uzumaki.

Haruka's mind was racing as tried to find a way out of her situation, and draw them away from Nii-san. She could do her best to stall until Jiraiya came back, if at all, but that could just result in the revelation of her true identity or a huge fight that could hurt Nii-san accidentally. If she were to try running to take their confrontation elsewhere, she would be caught before she got more than three feet away.

Hoping to get an opening, she spread her legs and clasped her hands together, letting the Fox's chakra out. At the very least, it would help assure her identity and take away the burning sensation in her abdomen, helping to clear her head.

At first, her two opponents looked stricken, eyes widening slightly. Then, with a snarky laugh, the blue man suddenly swung his sword downwards, making her stumble in her haste to get away. Yelping, she blinked rapidly, thoroughly confused. She had been so sure that he was aiming for one of her limbs, but instead, all she could feel was her chakra being ripped out of her. Did this man's sword actually eat chakra?!

"Well, well. Seems like we weren't mistaken, huh? Do you think I should cut off a leg or two to keep him from struggling?" The fish man asked his partner sinisterly, a hungry sneer on his face.

"Wh-who are you two?! What do ya' want with me?!" She growled in her brother's voice, scrambling back onto her feet. Her fate seemed to get worse by the second. If she could get one of them to go on one of those infamous villains' rant, though, perhaps she could stall them for a bit longer while she thought of a solution.

Before any of them could respond, a shout drew all of their attention to Sasuke, who had just showed up. "Itachi!" He howled, sounding like a deranged, spoiled five-year old. His sharingan was already activated, a striking bright read against his pale complexion.

The man in question merely lifted one eyebrow, staring back impassively.

"You're fight is with me!" Sasuke grabbed his wrist, a loud chidori sparking to life on his fingertips. Crouching, he charged with a yell, face set in fierce determination.

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