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Haruka walked inside behind Iruka, slightly guilty. She had used a dirty trick to defeat Uchiha,making Iruka distract him so she could sneak up on him. .It was necessary to minimize any accidents that could have happened, but still very unsportsmanlike.

As Iruka lead her into the room, he built up chakra to start a genjutsu subtly. He wanted to see how long it took her to recognize and escape a genjutsu. He planned on putting her in a weak one that his students had studied. It was very general and unused as most could easily break it and it served no purpose. It just made the victim see an empty room with no people in it. There were a lot of tells in it, like a strange silence, and other small things. Most of the students could recognize and escape it in twenty minutes.

When they entered, he immediately placed the jutsu and observed. He was very anxious for this. Haruka seemed above level on her other skills, even though he saw little ninjutsu. Additionally, she seemed heavily armed for the past two days, her ninja pouch full of senbon and other things and her two strange knives on each hip. If she passed this like the others, he wold need to inform the Hokage of her suspicious skill level. As it is, he would probably have to caution her Jonin teacher.

Haruka sat in an empty desk, assuming Iruka went to get the next test as he was not in the room. It was very quiet inside, making an awkward atmosphere for her. She had never seen the room so empty and quiet, and it was a bit of break from the usual chaos. Still, Haruka felt tense for some unknown reason that she shoved to the back of her mind. Iruka would be back soon and she could leave.

Fifteen minutes passed when she realized what was going on. Genjutsu. Right away, Haruka's eyes widened and her breathing sped up. She was terrified of any genjutsu, no matter how harmless it seemed.

When she was little, Rioko-sama would punish her for all the mistakes she made from rushing or being too careless. He disliked anything too messy, so his favorite thing to do was put her in a genjutsu. It was probably easy to break out of because of how obvious it was, but she had been young and did not know how to get out. He would put her in nightmare worlds from anywhere from ten minutes to three hours, depending to the severity. Sometimes, he would get one of his men to do it, and they would place her in their own versions, all equally terrifying. Ever since, she avoided them unless necessary. She could place one without freaking out too much, but being in one made her a wreck.

Haruka's heart pounded double time and her mouth was as dry as Suna. She stood shakily, sweating. Gulping in lungfuls of air, she tried to calm herself. "I-Iruka-sensei. I know this is a genjutsu. May I please be r-released?" She couldn't do it with her chakra, so hoped that he would be satisfied with her recognizing it.

Iruka was a bit worried. Fifteen minutes, Haruka seemed to get a bit panicky and almost have a breakdown. He was tempted to let her out, but had to see if she could do it. He wondered what was causing the fear. The genjutsu? Was she afraid of being alone, silence, or genjutsus in general? He had no idea, but observed her very closely.

Haruka stood for a minute until she realized that he would not realese her. She sat on a desk intead of her chair and tried her best to think. How could she get out of here? Would leaving the room work? Probably not, as he would stop her. There was only one thing she could think of, and it was a bit drastic, but she needed to get out of this jutsu. Haruka didn't think she could stand it much longer.

As she slipped a senbon from her pouch she glanced at the clock, seeing she had been trapped for about twenty five minutes now. Glancing around the room, Haruka decided that Iruka was not gonna let her out soon and almost whimpered with her fear. Shaking, she lifted the needle as Iruka watched in horror.

He saw her get a needle out, but didn't think she would actually... He watched, frozen as she looked around one more, almost in tears. She was coated in sweat and shaking, but had not said a word besides her first request. Her fear was obvious, but so was her resolve to face it. She would make a good ninja, that was easy to see. She had the will.

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