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Haruka wanted to run, but knew that wouldn't work. She would be dragged back there sooner or later. She looked up at the restraunt's sign. It wasn't anything too fancy, stating simply the name of the place and "Bar-B-Que". Still, it made her nervous.

Haruka had a secret. No one besides herself knew it, and she wanted to keep it that way. Even going inside could give it away, but she had no choice.

The Secret was.... She was absolutley in love with Bar-B-Que. It made her mad to have such a stupid weakness, but she couldn't help it. Every time she took a bite, her mouth died from pure happiness. Like her Nii-san could live forever on nothing but Ramen, she could live forever on the meaty, juicy, goodness that was Bar-B-Que.

Maybe there was something else she could order, like just a bowl of rice? Even if she did that, though, someone else was bound to get Bar-B-Que, and she wouldn't be able to control herself. It had been years since she last had some, thinking liking something so silly would only get in the way. Haruka could barely stop herself from drooling.

Kiba kept dragging everyone in, ignoring Haruka's silent panic attack. Looking around, he saw Team 10 with Asuma, Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru were there, seated in a fairly large booth. Grinning he pulled everyone over to sit with them.

"Hey, guys!" Kiba shouted, sliding in next to Ino. "Mind if we join?"

Asuma shrugged, agreeing, and everyone sat. Haruka had been put beside Choji, who had a slight blush on his face. Ino, of course, immediately noticed and grinned,  despite her annoyance at sitting beside such a smelly boy.

Choji turned to Haruka, smiling. "How've you.... been..... Haruka?"

Haruka gave er customary polite smile, facing him. "I am fine, Choji."

Ino was almost bouncing in her seat, already planning a wedding. Kiba, not seeing Ino's inner celebration, started loudly talking about their few missions and asked about their missions as well. Choji answered all of the questions, seeing as Shikamaru was asleep, Ino was in dream land, and Asuma was talking with Kurenai.

When the waiter came up, Choji ordered for them all, getting three Variety Bar-B-Que plates for the whole group. The waiter gave him a weird look, but wrote the order down anyway. When he left, Haruka stood, deciding to make a good thing out of this predicament.

"Team 10." She stated, getting all of their attention. Team 8 had an idea of what she was going to do, and shared a few secretive smiles. Well, Kiba did at least.

"I would like to request you all to call me Nee-san." She stayed standing, waiting for a response.

Ino grinned, agreeing immediately. If she was going to marry her teammate, than she was going to be like a sister in the future anyway, so why not? '

Shikamaru just sighed and muttered "Nee-san, how troublesome. Whatever." He promptly fell back asleep at that last word.

Choji blushed, seeing her look at him for his answer. "Sure.... Nee-san." He smiled up at her, kind of liking something so familiar but not wanting her to be family.

Asuma shrugged, smiling over his cigarette. "Sure, Nee-san."

Nodding, Haruka sat back down and marked four more tallies. Right after, the food came.

She tensed, not looking anywhere but her lap as the others started to put the meat on the grill. She was sweating and chewing on a senbon. They all noticed, of course.

"What's... wrong.... Haruka?" Choji's meat had already finished and he was digging in like he hadn't eaten in years.

"Nothing." She sad simply, not looking up. She wasn't sure she could control herself if she even saw the beautiful meat, it's been so long.

"Are.. you-" Ino cut Choji off, glaring.

"Don't embarrass her! She might be on a diet like me, right Haruka?"

Haruka looked up, forgetting her situation, and cocked her head. "No, what's a diet?" She truly didn't know. She had never even heard the word, rarely interacting with girls.

Everyone looked at her like she was crazy, until Choji decided to help her out a bit.

"Here, Haruka." He said, pausing long enough to set a piece of meat on her plate. "Have some, then."

They all watched as she froze. Haruka looked up, twitching bit. Imagine the most delicious food in the world in front of you after living off of disgusting vegetables for years, but having to hold yourself back. It was extremely hard, to say the least.

Seeing everyone stare at her, she couldn't think of a way out. Picking up chopsticks slowly to prepare herself, she scooped up the meat slice. Her hands were shaking at this point, and Team 8 thought she was about to have another freak out. They leaned forward, ready to stop her just in case.

Gulping, she raised the dripping meat to her lips. Eyes closed tight, she took a small bite.

The effect was immediate.

Her eyes opened wide and she lost all control. She shoved the rest of the meat into her mouth, sparkles somehow surrounding her. Everyone watched in amazement as she lunged across the table and ate meat faster than Choji, maybe even Naruto on a Ramen binge.

They all were frozen, seeing her act so wild. Soon though, Choji snapped out of it, seeing she was eating all of the food. He joined her, shoving food just as fast. All the others sweatdropped and juts stared.

After a minute, all the meat was gone. Haruka was licking a plate clean when she snapped back to her senses and saw all the stares from the others. She paused, not quite sure what to do. Gently, she set the plate back down and sat straight once more.

Her face once again composed, she gave a small bow. "I apologize for taking all the food. I shall gladly repay." That seemed like the best response, for she had never been in this situation before.

Kiba grinned, seeing his teammate covered in sauce sitting composidly. It was an odd sight, that was for sure.

"So." He said, tossing her a napkin. "What happened to 'I don't like anything'?"

 Current Count: 12


Ah, Bar-B-Que. It brings out the Choji in all of us.


Here's the chapter I talked about last time. Two updates in one day!!! Even if this one is a little short... Meh.

The song is dedicated to food. 'Cuz this is all about food... and yeah...

Love? Like? Dislike? Hate?

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