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Everyone froze. It was as if an instant switch went off in the room. Even the sand and sound nin did a double take. Out of all the people chosen for Haruka's fight, it had to be the person she was completely and utterly devoted to.

Gaara was a bit disappointed. After his fight with Lee, a lot of his paranoia over the girl left him. Lee could touch him just like she could, and Gaara defeated him without even changing forms. So what if she was a tad bit faster? He now knew he could kill her, and was anxious to do so. Sadly, it would have to wait after this match.

In a dark corner of the room, a spy of Danzo's sat, writing rapidly. He was sent because he knew some of Genin taking the exam, and had been ordered to give a detailed report on all that he saw. Having past contact with Haruka, he could guess the outcome of the match. She would forfeit, the love for her brother much stronger than her need to be a Chunin.

The Hokage frowned, sighing. It was a shame that, out of all the possibilities, that person was chosen for the girl. She would have made a fine Chunin with her skills. Perhaps the promotion could even have helped to slowly wean her away from her brother. It seems that there would be at least half a year before that could happen.

For a minute, Haruka couldn't think. The proctor had to repeat her name a few times to get her to go down and begin. How could she fight him? It was a trick question, obviously; she couldn't. It was just as impossible as it was to get Nii-san to give up ramen or Shino to use bug spray.

Jumping down into the arena, she stood tall in front of the proctor. "I, U... Uzumaki Haruka, wish to for-". Before she could finish, a hand shot out and covered her mouth. Nii-san's hand.

Naruto couldn't take it anymore. He had heard from Sakura that Haruka had healed himself, who had only mild fatigue at that point, and had almost lost her hearing and bled to death. It was so dumb, so stupid! Believe it! He couldn't take her obsessing anymore. It was time for her to finally face that she had to keep herself safe as well and stop being so reckless!

"Don't you dare give up! I'll hate you forever if you do! Believe it!" He growled out, eyes flickering dangerously.

Haruka's eyes grew wide, thinking fast. She couldn't fight him, but didn't want him to feel so much animosity toward her. There was no doubt that his promise of hatred would become true, and she wouldn't be able to take that. It was impossible for her to fight him, but she couldn't forfeit, so what-...

That was it. If she stayed in, that didn't mean she had to fight him. This might even be good for him. He could let his anger out on her, like all the others had before when she was protecting him from the shadows. Then, when he looked satisfied, she would 'pass out', allowing him to win without having to lay a finger on him.

Leaning her head back, she smiled. "As you wish."

Everyone was shocked, but the smarter ones in the stands were suspicious. Why would she give in so easy? This was bound to be an interesting fight, that was to say the least.

Backing up, Haruka turned and faced Nii-san, kunai out. She was ready to begin when he was.

Coughing and wheezing, the proctor spoke up. "Alright. You may. Begin."

Before anyone could move, Haruka raised the kunai. Bringing it to the base of her ponytail, she sliced a large hunk of hair off, letting it fall gently to the ground.

Everyone was silent for a second, watching the strands glide downward. Nii-san broke the silence after a few seconds. "Uh, Haruka? Why'd you just cut your hair?" He asked slowly, a confused frown on his face.

Now that her hair was just a little longer than Naruto's, she looked a lot more like him. She was a perfect female version of him. Both of them had spiky hair, though Haruka's was softer than his, and they had almost the same facial features. It was strange, to say the least.

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