Tommy khs. His ghost is now here and can't remeber anything. Also ghosts can remeber only other dead. So Ghostbur and T remember eachother.
Tw: Not really any xcept turning someone into a statue
This one is really short.
Toástínnít has joined the game
Everyone were gathered at spawn, confused about who it could be. Dream was there first, of course already knowing what happened. Everyone were whispering about who it could be. "Who are you?" Tubbo spoke up, seing the person. Or ghost. "I'm Toástínnít. And who are you all- I don't remeber anyone to be honest" "Toast!!!!" "Hey Bur" Both ghosts went to hug eachother. "How comes that he knows who ghóstbúr is but not us?" Sapnap asked. "Ghosts only remeber or know other ghosts" Phil spoke up. Since when was Phil there? Did he just randomly start caring for his youngest son? Yes. Yes he did.
"I don't think I can handle Tommy not remembering me" Tubbo said. "Oh but I can make him remember me. Forever" Dream said, a wicked and ugly smile on his face. Dream walked towards Toástínnít and swung his sword at him. The sword went through him. It did nothing. Oh wait. Ghosts were transparent. Techno laughed so hard at Dreams stupidity, "HA!" and so did everyone else.
"Just you wait" He whispered. He pulled out a bucket filled with water. Toástínnít who was now looking at Dream, widened his eyes. "Don't you dare do that. Please." "Oh are we scared of water now? Are you going to cry Tommy?" "Please sir. Don't do that to me I just got here" Toástínnít pleaded. "Don't do it Dream. He'd become a statue! You can't put water on a lava ghost!" Someone frowm the crowd shouted. "Well at least we'll have a beautiful obsidian statue on spawn" Dream laughed.
"NO. DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING DO IT!" Toástínnít screamed. Dream only laughed more as he lifted the bucket higher. Toástínnít was now scared shitless. Everyone gathered around the two as if it was a school fight. Toástínnít felt weak. He didn't know what to do. He could only watch in horror as the water poured all over him.
Now whenever someone respawned they'd have to look at the pretty but sad obsidian statue of a young boy who everyone seemed to love and care for only after he died.

Tommyinnit Oneshot Book 3
Random💃English is not my first language!! I was bored and with ideas. Angst and fluff. No smut. I tried making a hundered of them but uh oh, I didn't😝 REMINDER!! 1. There is NO smut because wtff😭! 2. I might include Wilbur for the plot in some oneshots...