4. A Date?

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Draco woke up to see Hermione was cuddled up to his chest and his arm around her waist. His old self would have found this disgusting, but now, he didn't mind at all. He got up, brushed hair teeth, combed his hair, but still made it messy, got dressed and when he came out of the bathroom, he found Hermione already dressed, and was brushing her hair.

"Hey! Sleep well?" Hermione asked energetically ."Yeah, um, how did you?" "Oh, I woke up right when you walked into the bathroom, so I decided to get changed and get ready, and I was thinking, do you wanna go to the Great Hall for breakfast, or do you want me to cook?"

"You cook?"

"Of course, I cook evening meals, breakfast, lunch, whatever, and I bake, and I even make my own recipes."She said while adding lip liner. "Oh, well sure, but can I ask you something?"

She nodded. "Would you, wanna, maybe,um kinda,go on a date?" She looked at him in the mirror. "Really?" "Yeah sure, we could go for a dinner date, or lunch, whatever you prefer." "Dinner sounds great. Look at this, our first maybe, kinda date." She squid making them both chuckle. She said smiling. "Well, great." He said offering her a handshake. She held his hand and went in for a hug instead. He was a bit shocked at first, but then gave in to it. "See, I give good hugs." She said muffled in his shoulder. "I never said you didn't ." He said slightly chuckling at the end. Luna walked in. "Hello there you two." She said with only a bit of a dreamy voice. They broke out of their hug. "Oh, sorry for interrupting, but Ginny told me to come tell you that you're making everyone breakfast." Hermione sighed . "Tell her we'll be down in a minute." "Well, looks like I'm making breakfast for 10." "Want help?" "No it's ok, I can make it in about ten minutes anyway." "Thank god, because I don't know a thing about cooking." She laughed. They walked downstairs laughing, to see the group waiting impatiently for their breakfast.

"Hermione hurry up! I'm hungry! You and Draco do whatever you want on your own time." Ginny said. Draco ignored that and sat down. "Haha Ginny, very funny, don't worry, I'm making your favourite."

"Your forgiven. By the way you look nice."

"Thanks Gin."

She was wearing a thick black vest, with ruffled thick straps, and it showed the bottom half of her torso (her stomach), with green cargo pants.

She came out in ten minutes with ten plates of toast, bacon, and eggs with orange juice. The trays were floating behind her and she used her finger to make them float towards everyone.

"Oh my god!" Blaise said.

"What?" Hermione said looking worried. "This is fucking amazing!" He said. She laughed and everyone joined. "Thank you Blaise."
She said emphasising on his name and looking at everyone. "Thank you Hermione." They all chorused. She chuckled. "I'm kidding, it's fine, but everyone does like the food right?" They all said stuff like oh yeah and yes and so good all at the same time.

"Well, I was thinking the girls and I could go for some shopping, and the boys, do whatever you want." Ginny said standing up. "Pansy, Astoria? You coming."

They nodded and smiled and got up. Hermione went upstairs and Draco followed.

She got a cute black purse, and some matching sunglasses, and was about to leave the room, when Draco entered. "Here, take this spend however much you want." He said holding out a gold card with moving numbers on it. "You know, the Ministry started to give these out, so here." He said . "No, Draco I can't accept this, it's fine, I've got money." "Hermione, please, take it, I've got millions and millions."

She sighed . "Fine, what's the budget?" She asked taking the card.

"What do you mean?"

"The budget? How much am I allowed to spend? Up to 10 gallons, 20? She asked. He chuckled. "Hermione, I just said I have millions, and you want to spend 10 galleons?" She shrugged. "Spend up to, however much you want."
"Draco-" "Nope, not taking no for an answer, even though we're just starting to, you know, warm up to each other, but we are going to get married, so take it."

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