15. Ginny and Harry.

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Ginny woke up to find Harry's face right in front of her, and his hands wrapped around her waist. He woke up.

"Good morning." She said.
Her smile disappeared as ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet.

She felt Harry pull her back and rub her back softly.

Some of it went outside of the toilet. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Stop apologising for something out of your control."
He said hugging her and rubbing her back.

"Ow. My lower stomach hurts a bit."

"Do you wanna get checked out?"

"No, it's probably just the baby getting annoyed."

They chuckled and went downstairs.

"Gin, what do you want, I'll make whatever." Everyone was already downstairs.

"Ooh, waffles, with melted cheese, then ice cream."

Everyone looked at her confused.
"Get pregnant, then you'll understand."

Everyone laughed. They finished their breakfast, and we're about to go to Hogsmade, because it was Saturday, when Ginny fell down on the couch.

"Gin! What's wrong?" Harry said rushing to her.

"Ow, ow, ow, Harry!" She said. He lifted her up and rushed to Madame Promfrey. Mcgonagall caught them on the way, and Hermione explained. He put her on the bed and she started bleeding.

"Why is she bleeding? WHY IS SHE BLEEDING! HELP HER."

"Mister Potter, you need to go, just while I check her out."

"NO, I'M NOT LEAVING HER." The boys had to drag him out. They were there for hours. "Harry." Mcgonagall said quietly. Harry jumped out of his seat and ran to them.

"I'm afraid, Ginny has had a miscarriage."

"What." He whispered.

"Harry." Ginny whispered. He went over to her.

"It's my fault, all I had to do was take care of the damn baby, and I can't even do that!"

She said crying into his chest. "No, Ginny, it's not your fault." He looked over at Madame Promfrey. He gestured for Hermione and the rest to come over.

"Where is?" He couldn't bring himself to say it.
"This way." She showed him the body of his, what was supposed to be, his daughter.

"My daughter."
He whispered. He sniffled, and he turned to Mcgonagall.

"There was, no way at all, you could have saved her?"

"No, I'm very sorry Mister Potter." He went to Ginny and pulled her into his chest.
Hermione sniffled and hugged Draco's waist, while Pansy's eyes were watering so she hugged Theo, as Astoria and Luna were out. Theo gestured for Ron to come over and Ron took hus place and Pasny became more comfortable.

They went back to the common room, and they all sat down.
They were all given a week off.

They sat down and Ginny leaned on Harry while he put his arm around her.

Soon after, the girls all fell asleep, with the boys holding them.

"We're going to, um."
He sniffled.

"We're going to bury her tomorrow so, if you want, your parents can come, I'm going to go, um, owl Molly."

He said sniffling.
He then looked at Ginny. He didn't want to leave her, the boys understood by looking at him.

"I'll do it mate."
Theo said leaving to the owlery.

When he came back, which was very quick, everyone was still on the couches.
Hermione sturred and woke up.

"Ginny, where is she?" She said looking around, a bit of panic in her voice.

"Harry, I'm so sorry." Harry was still crying, no one blamed him.

"It's fine, it's what's meant to be." She hugged him and went back to Draco, and he comforted her, kissing the side of her head.


It was the next day, Hermione had woken up, had a shower around got changed.
Draco did the same. She was wearing a long sleeved knee length black dress with a black blazer and her hair put into a ponytail, with black boots.

"I'm gonna go check on Ginny."
She said after putting on her mascara. She knocked on the door and found Ginny with her straightener staring at the mirror. She went over to her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry."
She whispered. She started straightening her hair for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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