8. Quidditch.

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It was the first Quidditch match of the season. Slytherin Vs Ravenclaw.

 Hermione had woken up before Draco, got dressed and went downstairs to find everyome already eating breakfast. "The house elves." Harry said at her confused face. "Ah."

She said, once her curiosity was answered. She took a bite of the waffle.

"Mines better." She said.

They all laughed. "What! It is." She said chucking the rest of the waffle at Blaise.
"Hey! I'm not the only on laughing." "I know." She said before chucking a piece of waffle at everyone. They all laughed until they realised that there was ten minutes until the Quidditch match left. "Oh my god. Draco's always late!"

Pansy said.
"Ok you guys head over there, we'll be there right on time." They all obeyed and left. She rushed upstairs waking Draco up. He jumped up and got in the shower. He was out in 2 minutes, and while he was getting his Quidditch robes out of his wardrobe, Hermione dries his hair, while she held his shoes. "Hermione! I can't find my - oh thanks."

He saw her holding his shoes. He ran downstairs and once they reached the Quidditch field, they had a few minutes to spare. "You know, you look good in green." He said smirking. "I know." She said smiling cheekily. "I'll be in the stands with the group, you'll see me cheering you on, also, look." She turned around and he saw his Quidditch number, which was on the shirt she was wearing, tucked into her  dark blue skinny jeans, and black boots. He stared at her back confused.

She turned around.

"Do you like it?" "Like what?" "Your number! I'm wearing it on my Quidditch shirt!"

"Oh! That's sick. " She laughed and they kissed.
"You boys really are stupid."

"Hey! Eh, your not wrong." She smiled. His hand was wrapped around her waist and her hand was wrapped around his waist as they walked.

She put her other hand in her back jean pocket. "Oi! We need to start the game! Leave your girl and come!" Blaise said.

"Me and Luna like each other, but we're not with each other all day." "Nope, your with her all night." Theo said winking at Hermione. Draco slowly put his free hand over her eyes.

"Go wink at Tori, not at my girl."

He said before walking away to the side. He turned to her. "Well I gotta go, and the snitch will be in your hands once again."

He said. She smiled. "Good luck?" He asked. She kissed him. "Good luck." She said and kissed him again. She walked over to Pansy, as they didn't have separate house seatings, because Mcgonagall thought it would be nice if they all were together. "Hey, saw your good luck kiss."

Pansy said to Hermione, patting the seat next to her. "Shut up." She said smiling. The game started, and Slytherin was off to a good start. Although when a bludger hit Blaise on the face, he fell downwards, although for some reason, his face looked relaxed, as if falling from the sky was a norm occurrence for him.

Mcgonagall levitated him down.He flew back into he game eventually. Draco was looking for the snitch, but Hermione noticed the Ravenclaw seeker trailing behind him.

When he was flying past her, Hermione called him. "What's up?" "The Ravenclaw seeker is trailing you, so if you see the snitch, go the opposite way, then fly as fast as you can back to it and try and find it again." "Thanks, you really want the snitch don't you?"

"Shut up, I just want Slytherin to win." "I thought you're a Gryffindor."

"Yes, but if Slytherin wins, then Gryffindor will beat your guys' ass."

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