Chapter 3: A set up

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After the helicopter touched down at the White House less than an hour later, Johnny emerged from the chopper to discover the President positioned distantly, flanked by numerous bodyguards. He approached him with a smile on his face, and they shook hands.

"Mr President," John said,

"Mr Johnny, please come in," he said and they both walked into the White House.

The president asked all of the bodyguards inside his office to leave them alone when they arrived. The president gave the order, and the bodyguards left the office.

"So Johnny, how are you?" Mr President asked,

"I'm good. I don't need to ask how you're doing because am sure you're doing great,"

"And how did you know that?"

"Well, you're the president and you have all you want,"

Mr president sighed and leaned his arms on the table,
"There is more to being president than just having all you need Johnny, it's not an easy job,"

"I know, but the benefits are massive," said John.

"Obviously," he grinned.

"So, what is it you want to tell me about?"

"That's right," the President stated, pulling out a little safe box from the drawer beneath his desk. Using a tiny key, he opened the box and removed a key.

"What's up with the key?" John asked,

"This key is the most valuable item in the world as of now. I don't need to tell you what door this key opens but believe me, this key is so damn important," he said.

"So why telling me about it?"

"Because I want you to keep it,"


"No matter what happens, don't give it out," Mr President said,

"Me, Why will I keep it, I don't even know what key that is,"

"You don't need to know Johnny, but what you need to know is that this key is so fucking important. I don't trust the key being with me since all American and European president knows I'm with it, so please take it and promise me you'll keep it safe,"

John was about to respond when one of the president's bodyguards entered the office, and the president hastily placed the key in his pocket. With two glasses of wine on a tray, the bodyguard entered the office. After leaving the tray on the table, she turned to leave.
She knocked into John's chair by accident on her way out, and her earbud fell to the ground near him. "Sorry, sir," she apologised, reaching for the earbud, but Johnny helped her retrieve it before she could.

She gently removed the earbud from his palm, saying, "Thank you, sir," and left the office.

Mr President sighed.
He took up the wine glass aimed at him and took a single swallow. "The thing about being a president is you don't always have to trust anyone, including the ones working with you," he remarked.

"If you have trust issues, why then do you trust your drink?" John asked,

"My bodyguards won't harm me, they are the only ones I can trust because if anything happens to me, it's on them," he said.

"So you think it's safe to drink with you after giving me reasons not to trust anyone?" John asked and looked at the wine glass,

"I do trust my bodyguards to an extent, but you know who I don't trust?" Mr President asked,


"A man who won't drink with me. So come on, drink with an old...," Before he could say anything further, he gripped his chest and began to cough.

"Are you okay?" John enquired, but Mr President continued to cough while covering his chest. Suddenly, he starts to dim and soon after that, he stops moving. John rose and stared in awe at the President because he was so astonished by what he had just seen. Soon after, he heard someone approaching, so he hurried over and looked in his pocket for the key. After finding it, he hid it behind his belt in case they searched his pocket for the key. His bodyguards entered the room brandishing their weapons. Walking over to Mr. President, one of them felt his pulse and realised he wasn't breathing.

As the others aimed their weapons at him, he questioned, "He's not breathing, what did you do to him?" John held up his hand to inform them he had done nothing, but they chose not to pay attention. A poisonous wrapper was discovered inside John's coat pocket after one of the guards noticed the drink on the table and searched him. "He's the murder, he killed the president," he says as he takes it out and reveals it to the rest, while another alerts the other bodyguards in the White House.

John responded, "No, I didn't, I didn't know how that got in there," in panic. Then, one of them approached to try to hold him, but John quickly took the gun off him and shot him. Before he fell, John used him as a shield to get out of Mr. President's office as the bodyguards began to shoot at him.

There were numerous bodyguards in the hallway where he had run. They fired shots at him, but he moved fast enough to go into a different room in the White House and lock the door. Fortunately, the room was empty. Bodyguards started shooting and banging on the door a few seconds after John entered, leaving him perplexed about how to get out. As he was thinking, he glanced at the window and walked to check its height; it was a little high, but there was nothing else he could do, so he leapt through and landed on a car. He hurried towards the exit gate but there were dozens of bodyguards there so he slipped into one of the cars nearby and hid there because the cars were bulletproof.

He was at a loss for what to do because the car's key was missing, but then it dawned on him during his school days that there was an old trick he could use to start a car without the keys. He broke the keyhole and took out the cables from inside. After connecting them, the car came on then he stepped on the accelerator and sped towards the gate, which was locked. Using the same momentum he used to start the car, he broke through the gate and fled the White House.
As soon as he started to believe he was free, he noticed numerous cars were pursuing him when he looked at the front mirror.

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