The Afterlife..?

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Dan was standing in a dark, cold, square room with very dim light.
"Am I dead?" Dan thought to himself.
Dan could hear loud industrial noises through the walls.

"Is this Hell? Where am I?" Dan continued to ponder as he looked around the room.
He was wearing the same clothes he was wearing during the accident.

Dan's memory was slightly foggy and he couldn't remember everything too well.
After remembering that he was bleeding he immediately grabbed his face and head and realized he was partially bandaged up.

"What got into me!?
Why didn't I just keep my life simple and boring!?" Dan angrily thought as he stood in the cold room.

The room had four walls and a door on the left side of one of the walls.
There was a light on the wall above the door. The door was locked and the light was off.
The only light in the room came from a dim light on the ceiling.

Dan laid down on the ground and began to pass the time with his imagination.
His whole life whenever he was bored he would often times make up random delusional scenarios in his head to escape reality.

After a couple of hours a buzzing noise began to go off as the light above the door began to blink a bright orange.
Dan got up on two feet as a loud latch noise came from the door.
Dan approached the door and it was now unlocked.
He slowly pushed the door open to reveal a nice office room.

The room had a lot of plants in it and a large window to let the sun in.
Dan immediately felt the warmth from the sunlight bringing a calming sense over his body.

Near the end of the room was a desk.
Behind the desk was the back of a chair.
Dan couldn't tell if someone was in the chair due to the angel he was at.

"Hello?" Dan said seeing if anyone else was in the room.
The chair immediately spun around to reveal a man in it.
"Sorry, I have to have to do the chair spin for dramatic effects. You're Dan, right?" The man said.
"Uh, yes, I am." Dan replied as he walked closer to the desk.
The man stood up from his seat and shook Dan's hand.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Clive. Please, take a seat." Clive said sitting back down in his chair.

"Right," Dan started as he sat down.
"Um, so-" "You're probably wondering where you are, yes?" Clive interrupted.
"Uh, yeah." Dan responded.
"Well Dan, do you remember what happened before you were here?" Dan began to open his mouth in order to reply.
"Ah, don't answer. You were in a car accident with a man and a woman."
"That sounds correct." Dan answered.
"Well, that man and woman weren't just some random couple, they were the owners of CI•Corpse. Do you know what CI•Corpse does Dan?" Clive asked.
"I mean, I've seen the billboards my whole life but I've never really looked much into it." Dan responded.

"CI•Corpse is known for, well, keeping the order." Clive informed.
"So where are the owners, are they okay?" Dan asked anxiously.
"The owners are dead Dan. You killed them." Clive sternly responded.
"Oh no! It was an accident, I swear, I wasn't myself!" Dan started to ramble off more excuses.

"Don't fret Dan, we're going to let you go." Clive said.
"What about the police? Will I not just be arrested for murder?" Dan asked.
"Dan, as I said, don't fret, we have this under control." Clive responded.
"What?" Dan asked now completely flabbergasted.
"Leave Dan." Clive demanded.

A large man came into the room from a door on the side of the wall.
"Follow me." He said looking at Dan.
Dan swiftly stood up and followed the man out of the room.
They walked down a hallway with windows going down the whole corridor as the man pulled Dan into a room on the side and shut the door.
The room was similar to the first room Dan was in.

Dark, cold, stone, square room.
In the center of the room was a large machine with a seat on it.
The man walked Dan over to the machine.
"Sit down." He ordered.
Dan looked down at the seat with worn out straps on the armrests and crude machinery surrounding it.
"Hm, how about no?" Dan said before he bolted to the door.

He threw the door open as he sprinted down the hallway!
Dan couldn't look back but he could sense that the large man was right on his tail.
He made it to the end of the hallway with another door at the end.
He slammed through the door leading to a downwards staircase.

Dan was jumping around every corner doing his best to get the security guard off his back.
The security guard while continuing to chase Dan pulled out a speaker device and yelled into it, "Code red!"

Dan continued to run through the building running down every corridor and going through every door.
He was beginning to get tired now with 5 security guards chasing him.
"I can't keep this up for long, I need to get out of here." Dan thought.

Dan continued running down a hallway before he quickly jumped out of the window.
Luckily for him, he managed to make it almost out with almost no scratches.
Since he had run down multiple staircases at this point the drop wasn't very far.

To Dan's surprise the window did not lead to the city.
He was in the middle of nowhere.
He quickly felt defeated and stopped running before the security guards quickly caught up to him.

The security guards brought Dan back to the machine and strapped him down to the seat.
"Let's just get this over with, I don't even want to be alive anymore." Dan said all out of hope.
The guards did not respond.

One of the guards walked over to a lever on the wall and pulled it down.
The machine above the seat began to whirr and make noise.
A metal shape went over Dan's head as he began to experience excruciating pain and discomfort.
"Aghghagha!" Dan began to scream and thrash.

||4 Days Later||

Dan woke up in his bed, in his house, with no recollection of any prior events from the last week.
He had a terrible migraine.
He stood up checked his phone and saw that it was 12:34 P.M.
"Oh no, I'm late!" Dan thought.
He very quickly got ready before leaving for his job.

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