The Boss's Party

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It was early Saturday morning when Dan awoke.
Shortly after unplugging his fan the buzzing noise from the night before pierced his ears.
Dan briefly brushed his teeth before checking where the noise was coming from.

He went down staircases and through hallways searching for the source of the buzzing.
As he approached his kitchen the noise started to get louder.
Dan followed his ears to the source.

He got closer and closer to the noise before realizing that it seemed to be coming from his fridge.
He slowly inched toward the refrigerator as the buzzing noise grew more irritating and unpleasant.
Dan steadily reached his arms out and grasped the handles of the fridge firmly.

He was filled with anger as the buzzing persisted right before he flung the doors open.
Only nothing unusual was in the fridge.
Dan began to shove groceries to the side scouring through the food like a madman.

After a little searching Dan couldn't find the source of the buzzing.
Annoyed about it Dan just pushed it aside and figured something was wrong with his fridge.
Suddenly, Dan's phone buzzed.

It was a text from his boss informing him about an engagement party going on later in the day.
After responding Dan quickly began to text Jeremy.

Dan: Yo, my boss is throwing an engagement party tonight and I can bring a guest.
Dan: you wanna come?

Jeremy: Why don't you bring Farrah?

Dan: She's out of town

Jeremy: oh right, sure I'll go. What time?

Dan: 6:30

Jeremy: great, see you then

Arriving at the party later Dan and Jeremy greeted each other before entering the venue. Upon entering they immediately noticed that there were a lot of girls there.
Sandra mostly had girlfriends so that did kind of make sense but there were a ton.

"Is this an engagement party or The Bachelor?" Jeremy whispered to Dan with a grin on his face.
Dan and Jeremy walked further into the party as they noticed lots of the girls looking at them.
Suddenly one approached them.

"Hey, you want to dance?" She asked.
Dan grabbed Jeremy slightly shoving him forward, "He does!" Dan said with a friendly smile.
Jeremy was lead by the girl into the crowd as he smiled back at Dan before fading out of sight.

Sandra approached Dan, "Dan, I'm so glad you could make it!" She said.
"Yeah, congrats on the engagement!" Dan replied.
"Thanks! Hey, I know there are a lot of girls here, but maybe you'll get lucky and get a dance or two." She said.
"Yeah, I don't think my girlfriend would be happy with that!" Dan said laughing.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume you were single!" Sandra replied in a friendly manner.

Then a tall big looking guy approached them. "Honey!" Sandra exclaimed giving him a slight hug.
"This is Dan, he's one of my coworkers." She said.
Dan stretched out his hand shaking the man's hand.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Dan!" Dan said.
The man looked sharply into Dan's eyes slowly but firmly shaking Dan's hand.
"Dave, pleasure to meet you, thanks for coming!" He then said in an unexpectedly friendly manner.

After a little talking Sandra and Dave left to go talk with other guests.
Eventually Dan got pretty bored and decided to sneak out early.

Dan: I'm going home, kinda bored

Dan texted Jeremy with no response.
Jeremy was far too busy dancing with multitudes of different women, having the time of his life.

As Dan was driving home as he got closer to his house he noticed a van parked outside on the street.
He couldn't see since it was dark out but after parking and walking over he saw it was a Dan's Maintenance van.

Dan was slightly weirded out but assumed they were there for one of his neighbors and just decided to park there.
Dan slowly opened his front door to here slight ruckus and fast whispering coming from his kitchen.
"Hey, who's there!?" Dan yelled as he walked down the hallway leading to the kitchen.

"Hurry up man!" Dan heard a voice whisper as he got closer.
Dan suddenly began to run in before two men dressed in all black ran and left out of Dan's back door.
Dan tried to chase them for a little bit but they managed to get away.

Oddly enough, as Dan chased them around the front of the house the men did not leave in the work van.
They ran to a car parked across the street and drove off.

Dan's heart was racing after the odd encounter. Walking back into his house Dan noticed the buzzing was gone.
Dan then called 911.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A voice answered.
"My house was broken into." Dan answered.
"Are the perpetrators still in your house?" She asked.
"No, they left when I got home."
"Okay sir, one of our policemen will be at your house shortly, can you give me your address?"

After a little more talking and waiting a man showed up to Dan's door.
Dan answered to see an officer.
"Sir, I'm here to do a quick investigation to make sure there are no more people hiding in your house." The police said.
"Thank you officer." Dan replied.

After a quick search around the house the cop came to the conclusion that the house was safe.
"Alright, make sure you call us if you notice anymore strange occurrences." The policemen said before leaving.

Dan then decided to go to bed.
He was a bit shook but was eventually able to fall asleep.

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