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Dan showed up to Burndown Bar, the new bar at 8:00 P.M.
He entered the building with high expectations for a great night.
His hopes were immediately crushed upon the sight of the bar.

He saw Jeremy sitting over by the bar.
Jeremy noticed him and did a small wave.
Dan approached Jeremy and sat down next to him.

"Dude, where are all of the hot girls?" Jeremy asked.
"I know, I didn't expect the crowd to be like this." Dan responded.
"I mean, is there a single person here younger than my mother?" Jeremy asked.

"Hold up, look at her." Dan quietly said to Jeremy aiming their focus on one of the waitresses.
"Bro, we got to get a table she serves." Jeremy said with a large smile on his face.
"Yeah, let's go." Dan said.

They stood up from the bar and walked over to a table in the general area they saw the waitress serving.
After waiting for a minute or so a man walked up to them.
"Hi, could I get your drinks?" He asked.

Dan and Jeremy quickly looked at each other, "Um, actually we're just going to go to a different table." Dan said slowly.
"Oh, okay." The waiter responded.

Dan and Jeremy then move to a different table. "Okay, hopefully she waits this table." Dan said.
"Yeah, this is getting a little weird." Jeremy said letting out a small chuckle.
"Yeah, you're right, it is a bit weird. Don't worry, we'll keep this table no matter which waiter we get, fingers crossed it's a girl." Dan said with a smirk on his face.

After a little more waiting Dan saw the waitress who looked to be walking towards him and Jeremy.
"Bro, she's coming over. Let the master show you how it's done." Dan said.
"Twenty dollars says you can't get her number." Jeremy said putting a twenty on the table.
"Deal." Dan quickly replied.

The waitress then approached them.
"Hi, what can I get you two?" She asked.
"Hi, I'll take any kind of beer." Dan said.
"That sounds good for me as well, thanks." Jeremy said.
"Great, I'll be back shortly." The bar waitress said.

"Okay, I actually saw some pick up lines for a waitress before." Dan informed Jeremy.
"Really, you're going to use a pick up line?" Jeremy said with an eager smile on his face.

As the waitress walked back, Dan whispered, "Watch how the master does it."
"Here are your drinks." The bar waitress said placing down their beers.
"Can I get you anything else?" She asked as Dan's face instantly lit up.
Jeremy's eyes widened as he looked at Dan and he begun to slowly shake his head.

Dan turned to waitress and said, "Yes, could I get your name and number?"
"Excuse me?" The waitress asked slightly perturbed.
"Is it a coincidence that the person bringing me my food is also the most attractive girl in this building?" Dan continued.
The waitress let out a big laugh, "What!?" She asked with a large smile on her face.

"This beer's refreshing, but not as refreshing as your smile." Dan said.
The waitress didn't respond due to being shocked.
"Wait, is my beer hot? Or is just you things sizzle?" Dan once more asked.

"Alright, alright, hand me a napkin." The waitress responded.
Dan slid a napkin over as she began to write on it with a pen.
The napkin had her number written on it and also said below the number, Farrah.
Then she walked away.

"And that my friend, is how you get twenty dollars, and, a girlfriend." Dan said taking Jeremy's twenty from the table.
Jeremy sat there in complete shock.
"Honestly, I'm impressed, you deserve that." He said.
"I'll drink to that." Jeremy added.

Dan got home at 12:12 A.M.
He was very tired and immediately brushed his teeth, got out of his formal clothes, and went to bed.
While sleeping, Dan's forgotten memories were foggily coming back in the form of dreams.

Dan quickly arose in bed covered in sweat.
"Those were oddly vivid." He thought to himself.
He would've just gone back to bed but it was five in the morning, so he'd only get about an hour of sleep before he'd have to get up again.

On his way to work Dan saw a large CI•Corpse billboard.
"Hey, didn't the owners of that company die? Wait, that might've just been my dream last night." He thought to himself.
Dan arrived to his work building and on the way up to his floor he ran into Jeremy.

"Hey, Jeremy, crazy night last night, we'll definitely have to do that again sometime!" Dan said.
"Definitely, did you hear about CI•Corpse?" Jeremy asked.
"No, what happened?" Dan asked.
"The people that have owned it like, my entire life died." Jeremy informed him.

"Oh, weird, I actually had a dream like that last night." Dan said.
"What!? Weird, I guess you can sense the future, let me know if you ever have a dream of me dying." Jeremy said with a light chuckle.
"Ha ha, alright, I'll see you around." Dan said before leaving to go do his work.

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