Chapter 3

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I got to the cafe aryan texted me about well obviously not before I threw up a few times because of how nervous I actually was. As I sit there waiting for aryan, my nerves start getting worse.

"Hey" I look up and find him smiling at me


"Im sorry, I ran into a couple friends"

"All good, I ordered us some fresh vanilla coffee" I mumble

"Oh, mhm hey can I get two black Americanos?" He says to the waiter

"Sure thing"

My heart fell but I try not to let it show, I didn't know he didn't like French vanilla but now I look like a fat ass for having something so sweet

"Here try this, it's good for you, this is all crap" he says grabbing the French vanilla chuckling ti in the garbage

I try to smile but I couldn't, I take a sip and let me tell you, this is the most horrendous thing ever, it has no taste, absolutely no taste.

Honestly, if you have ever had dirt in your childhood, yeah this is what it taste like but worse and with dirty water mixed it, oh my god I am going to throw up

We sat there and he talked about basketball, his friends, alcohol, basically he talked and I listened which is good because I am not one to talk about my life.

Finally the little hang out ends and I walk to my calculus lecture drained already and guess who is in my class, of course Mr doucebag elephant captain and as soon as he sees me, this man walks over

"Oh hi again firefly"

"Dude piss off"

"Woah girl, hold your horses"

"If I had horses I would get them to run you over"

"Do it firefly, id love to watch it happen"

I shake my head at him ignoring his presence, yeah literally ignoring him through he was right beside me

Calculus is one of my favourites and clearly Mr Big shot beside me is having a hard time, not even 30 minutes into the lecture he was groaning and whining like a little kid being forced to do chores

"How is he even getting that?" He whines looking at the answer the prof gave

"If you pay even half the attention you pay to basketball, you'd know how"

"Okay quit making fun of me and help"

"You are doing it all wrong" I say looking at his paper


"It's easy, there is a pattern to every problem"

"Yeah no there isn't, this is literally so hard, harder then making a hoop"

"Will you pay attention to the stupid x and y's" I ask

"I got no x and my y's are never answered so no I can't"

'seriously?" I ask

He nods like a kid in a candy store who just got his mother's approval to get some candy

"Make them into different letters then, how about B and M?" I ask

"Basketball and?" He asks back

"Manik, basketball and Manik" I reply

He grins cheesing, yeah the captain of the basketball team is cheesing

"Now replace B with the number given and solve for M, then do the same thing for B by incorporating the value for B" I explain

He begins to solve for the variables, I literally feel like a teacher showing him how to do these simple problems.

"I got 4" he says

"Great job kid" I mumble

"It's right?" He asks

"It is, now shh"

He pouts like a child at me before continuing to focus in class, does he make me want to smack him, yes, 100% yes.

"See I got it" he says showing me the next equation

"Yes you did"

he nods at me.

The next hour goes by with tons of practice stuff and some homework

"Hey thank you for helping me" he mutters as the class ends

"Sure" I say with a genuine smile this time

He smirks back before he leaves, I follow after him heading home.

It has been 3 weeks since university started again and midterms are coming up, not just that projects are coming up, it is stressful and almost overwhelming in ways

"Hey" aryan greets side hugging me

Okay remember my crush on him, yeah it's gone. Him and I aren't compatible and I am lying to him and myself about tons of things.


before he could say anything navya grabs my arm

"Woah his, are you okay?" I ask her

"Yeah, Manik is looking for you" she says making me roll my eyes

"Excuse me?"

"Manik malhotra, he is looking for you"

"Why?" I ask

"No clue, he asked cabir about you"

I frown shrugging my shoulders

"Why is he looking for you?" Aryan asks grabbing my hand

"Not sure" I say pulling away

"Well I will see you later, I have some things to catch up on" I tell him

"Sure" he says

I walk to the library to study because soha is having a party at home and ain't no way I am about to go home and walk into a mess and her making out on the couch or whatever.

There was this one time I walked into the house and this girl was topless making out with god knows who, when I told her to take it to her room, she ignored me continuing to do whatever like there is no god damn mutual respect

"Done running from me firefly?"

Oh my god this man is going to be the death of me

"I wasn't running and fyi this is a library not a basketball court" I tell her

"I am well aware but you have ben ignoring me and you haven't replied to any of my discord messages so I'm not sure if you are illiterate or if you are not wanting to respond. Now from my experience I know you are a smart ass so that means you are ignoring me"

He looks like he just finished reading and proving a thesis to the class

"I still don't understand your point"

"So you are dumb"

i glare at him making him glare back at me playfully

"You are shitting me right? We have a project due and you won't respond to me, how the hell am I supposed to finish my part of the topic?"

"Silence" the librarian says

His head turns to the librarian and he glares at her like she had just stolen his pet or something

"You silence" he replies

"It's a library Manik" I say smacking his arm

"Ahhh" he screams like a girl

"Leave, both of you out of here now" the librarian bark orders

I glare at manik who was looking at his arm that I smacked, this man plays competitive basketball on a national level land a small smack from a girl is making him scream like that.

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