Chapter 9

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Nandini's pov

It is Friday and that means calculus final, I am not too worried but my phone has been blowing up since last night, manik has been so stressed about it

I was sitting in physics when manik walks in class, bags under his eyes, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, his hair all messy. He drops his bag beside me sitting down

He doesn't say anything just places his head on my shoulder, I would smack him but we have became really good friends in the past few months.

"Whats going on?" I ask him

"I don't even know my own name let alone anything on this fucking final, not to mention I am flying out tonight and I have not packed"

"Will you relax"

"I will relax when I die"

"nah dude, your shoulders will still be tense" I tease

He groans smacking my arm

"Hey don't be violent with me, I am helping"

"Nandini" I smile at his voice

Manik and I have bonded so well together, we are literally best friends, him and I hang out all the time, we joke around, we have regular study sessions

"Baba thik hoga sab, stop worrying so much"

"Dar lag raha hai" he whispers

He has been so scared about it all, ever single exam especially calculus and it worries me to think he will do bad but I also trust his brain to know he will do great

"You had an amazing teacher, don't you worry"

"That's for sure but if I do you know fail?"

"Then we try again but why think all these negative things when you can think about finishing this exam and going to play nationally?" I ask

"Only if it were that easy, if my coach finds out I flunked this exam he will have my head on a chopping board and I like my head"

"Everyone likes you head captain, just relax and it will be fine"

"Nooo" he whines


"Will you say something nice?" He asks

I sigh caressing his back

"You are very handsome"

"I know firefly, tell me something I don't know" he mumbles cockily

"Oh quit it you elephant"

"You do understand that if anyone else said that to me, I would punch their faces"

'then why don't you punch mine?" I ask

"You are way too gorgeous and I'd easily snap anyone's hand that gets up to hurt you plus you are my nerd, my best friend, ain't no way I'm going to punch you"

My heart swells up with happiness to the brim, I felt like I might explode. His words make me feel inevitably wanted, and loved for some reason

"Nandu im scared"

"Relax manik, it will be fine'

He sighs very loudly closing his eyes as he fidgets with my bracelets on my right hand

Withing the next 10 minutes we got our physics project and results back, manik and I both passed wiht flying marks. We then walked to calculus and manik did not say a single word

"Good luck captain" I whisper settling in the seat

"Thank you kid, all the best" I smile at him

3 hours fly by and the entire time I could hear Manik's foot taping against the chair leg, it wasn't disc tracing, honestly it's something I have gotten used to it now

"Close your papers everyone and hand it over, time's up" the prof says

I look over at manik and he had a frown on his face

"What's wrong?" I ask as soon as we were done handing our exams in

"I think I flunked it"

"It's done and over with, forget it. you can't anything anymore and you have one your best so think about basketball" I say

"I haven't even packet yet"

"I can come over and help" I offer

'Will you please?"

"Sure think"

He smiles kissing my head, yeah we had gotten very close, not like intimate but him and I bond extremely well

"Hey babe" aryan's voice reaches my ears making me roll my eyes

"Hi" I whisper seeing him

"Wanna hang out tonight?" He asks about to cozy up to me

"Aryan I can't, I am helping manik pack" I say honestly

"Shouldn't you be helping your boyfriend instead of your friend?" He asks

"Boyfriend?" I ask

Manik chuckles beside me

"Yeah you and I"

"dude I am sorry but thats not it. I have mentioned it multiple times that I am not interested in dating you, nor am I looking for a relationship so stop being like this" I tell him again for the 4th time in the past 2 months

I try and not get angry because I can't deal with his possessiveness, he keeps playing this 'oh we are dating' card when it's convenient for him

"Oh wow Nandini, now just because you have gotten the captain you are ditching me"

"dude back the fuck off" manik roars

"Manik I respect you, not just because we are players together or because you are the team captain but also because you are a guy. Don't let a girl like her get to you manik, she played with me and now she is playing with you"

Oh fuck this

"Manik wait" I say seeing him getting riled up

"Yeah manik don't get in the middle of this" he says

"Don't be so coy aryan, I have told you at least 4 times that I am not into you like that but you keep coming to me when it is convenient for you. Now that I have said no for the 5th time it's gotten on your ego, of course it has because your. Ego is bigger than your dick aryan. I am not of those girls who will be with you because you are good looking and play sports, I don't give a shit. You and I do not have anything in common so we are not going to be together ever, now move and dare you even refer to me as a whore or a chick who jumps from guys to guys"

"or what?" He ask

"Or you will get a taste of your own medicine and then I will make sure the whole college can watch and make it worth your while too, now I have to go help manik so aurvoir"

manik is so silly, he begins to laugh walking ahead of me, I swear this man is never ever going to act serious in any situations

"Manik" I scold

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