My only one

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Its August and also the first day of the new and my last semester as a high-schooler in Seoul Science High School. Here, only the kids with rich parents who consider their parent's wealth their own and the so-called smartest students get to go and of course there a few exceptions to this stereotype, the students with scholarships though they usually end up being irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. 'cause money and connections is everything in today's world.

I too, unfortunately- at least in the eyes of the public, come under that stereotype. My parents are rich and I'm smart but, for what it's worth, I'm not like them. I've always kept my circle small, stayed away from the self-proclaimed "Cool kids" and I've always had a clean record. So naturally people call me names behind my back but I couldn't care less, In front of me they act like I'm their god or something. It's crazy how fake people can get, well I guess I kind of am too, I always try to be rude and unbothered so that people don't approach me but apparently the girls here are into that so I have no escape.

My goal is just to get good grades, get into Stanford and leave this country for good. And also disown my filthy parents, don't get me wrong I am indefinitely grateful to them for raising me and paying for everything I've ever owned but I don't even know how much of that money was obtained by fair means. They've never done more than the bare minimum a parent has to do for their child. I've never even felt like I matter to them. So for that sake and everything else, I want to leave South Korea.


"Hey Ice prince~ Mr. popularr~" Serin tried to get my attention but honestly she was just getting on my nerves. Who even came up with that nickname. Serin is one of the four people in my friend group, I really didn't want any girls in the gang as that will only create unnecessary drama but thankfully she and Yongjoon, another guy in my gang, are dating and everyone knows about that works? 

"Serin, stop annoying him." Wonwoo spoke, sitting down next to me. Wonwoo is my seatmate and also my favorite member in my gang. He's quieter than the others and thankfully not annoying. He's the only guy I can be my true self with and also the only one knows about my plans for the future, my true personality and everything else. He's probably the only person here that I'll actually miss.

"Ugh you're such a mood killer wonwon" Serin pouted at him, disgusting. "Oh god please don't call me that-" Wonwoo got cut of by Dohwa's hand around his collar, "Ay my guys I missed you" Dohwa, the last person in my gang, spoke to us. Wonwoo chuckled patting Dohwa's head. "Yeah me too" He spoke. Wonwoo is a year older than us but he started school late so he's in the same grade as us. "Guys? what about me then" Serin spoke again, everyone started laughing including me this time. "Oh he's alive again" Dohwa spoke referring to me. I nodded, standing up to give him a side hug, I'll probably miss him a little too.

"Everyone settle down. I have an announcement to make." Mr.Choi spoke walking in. I mentally thanked every god in the world, Mr.Choi is the most chill teacher in the entire school. This year is already off to a good start. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but we'll be changing seats and I've been told to assign that your friend groups aren't together." Everyone started groaning and complaining. I Sighed. I take back what I said, This year is not off to a good start. Wonwoo placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's alright don't worry, This is good in a way too. we all can focus more on studying this way" he reassured me. I smiled "Yeah, I guess you're right" Wonwoo smiled back.

"Everyone silence! I have another thing to announce, we have a new student." A timid looking girl walked in, not looking up. "awh she's shy, that's not gonna help her" I muttered so that only Wonwoo could hear me, "Yeah..." He frowned. He too, was shy when first came to this school so he probably understands how she feels right now. "We should befriend her" I continued. "Wonwoo, You have to let her open up at her own pace. You can't just go and befriend her like that. You were taken aback and uncomfortable when I did this with you, weren't you?" He sighed and nodded. "Yeah but if she doesn't make any friends, we will" He added, I hummed in response.

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