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Chan Pov

It was 8am on a Monday morning and I was on my way to Mr. Chwe's office to brief him on his schedule today. I, Chan Lee, am Mr. Chwe's faithful secretary. I've been working with him for the past 6 years and I am proud to be the only one to make him drop his cold demeanor and crack a smile. 

He, like any other young CEO in Korea, is the heir of a rich corporate god, His father is the jack of all trades, any deal he ever negotiated always ended in his favor. Not only that, everyone loves him dearly. But recently Mr. big Chwe had gotten diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, causing deep despair among almost everyone. His deteriorating health was not only felt by him and his family but also felt throughout the entire corporate field.

Mr. Chwe's mother, hence, has been forcing him to get married so that his father can see his only son get married before his demise. Though I understand her feelings, I feel that this is unfair to Mr. Chwe who has known nothing but work his entire life. Being forced to marry a random woman and have to treat her like he cares is too much for Mr. Chwe.

Just as I open the door to Mr. Chwe's office, I see a woman in a silver mini dress with her shoulder length blonde hair neatly styled, standing in front of his desk where he was calmly seated. This woman is none other than Mr. Chwe's fiancé.
"HANSOL CHWE HOW COULD YOU!?" Miss. Ruby Hong, Mr. Chwe's fiancé- well now soon to be ex-fiancé after that kind of behavior, screamed throwing her shiny red heel at him.

"Miss. Hong!" I shouted. "You keep your mouth shut! I trusted you but you just let him do this to me-" She turned to me, tears streaming down her face ruining her eyeliner. "Miss. Hong, I'm not sure what you're talking about." I tried to calm her down. "He cheated on my with a lowlife, I saw them through the CCTV camera!" She screamed with her high pitched voice. "Miss. Hong isn't that an invasion of pri-" "HE INVADED MY TRUST!" She interrupted me. "Miss Ho-" this time Mr. Chwe stopped me, "Chan, Make her leave. She's giving me a headache." I gasped and she didn't seem okay with him saying that either to say the least. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! HEADACHE?!" She screamed, enraged. 

I somehow convinced her into leaving and It ended with her screaming to cancel the wedding. 
Mr. Chwe sighed. "Mr. Chwe Is-" "I'm glad she's gone Chan-ah. I don't want to marry someone like her. The lady she saw was my maid leaving my house not anything else. I may not like her but I wouldn't do something like that to anyone, you know that right?" Mr. Chwe looked at me with a small smile. I nodded, "I know sir. I'll deal with big Ma'am" I reassured him. "Thanks Chan." He smiled at me once more, "She's gonna be furious isn't she?" He laughed but it wasn't a happy one, it was a tired and sad one.

Hansol Pov

I walked into my Villa and sighed slumping down onto the couch. Taking a deep breath and trying to relax only to be interrupted by a phone call. I read the caller ID and let out a big sigh.
'Mother' it read. how did she hear about it already?
"Hel-" "Vernon! Why did you do that?! you should've apologized and calmed her down, now she wants to call off the engagement." My mother's voice boomed through the phone, "Please tell her to do so, please. I can't marry someone like her. This isn't the only time she's done this. Call It off." "Vernon, dear give her a chance, her mom isn't with her anymore-" "And my dad won't be here soon too, so tell her to feed these excuses to someone else! I don't have the patience for this. Call off the wedding and that's it. Good night mother." With that I hung before she could interrupt me again.

Before I could stop myself, the tears started flowing. I missed my dad.


The wedding had been called off and my mother didn't waste a second before trying to find a new one. We were currently in my mother's house looking at a new 'wife candidate' for me. Chan had accompanied me here too, like he does anytime I go anywhere. He's my savior.

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