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(TW// Sexual assault) 

Yuri Pov

Today is the first day back at college after the summer break. "Apparently we have a new History teacher." Dojin, our personal news channel, informed us as we, me and 3 of my friends, entered.
This semester, the History course is overflowing with new students to the point where they had to make it so that new students can't join anymore. Luckily or Unluckily for us we had already taken this semester in the beginning.
We got to our seats in the lecture room and sat down.

"A new teacher?" Nabi asked with a playful glint in her eyes. "Yeah, and it's a guy" Dojin wiggled his eyebrows and laughed, fueling her inappropriate thoughts. "What happened to our old teach?" I asked. I really liked her, she was very polite and good at teaching too. "She got pregnant or married. Either one." Dojin answered. "Oh-" I was cut off my the sudden silence in the room as the new teacher entered. Now I understand why all those students tried to join our course. He was quite good looking and young too. 

"Good Morning everyone!" He smiled brightly greeting us, causing everyone to wish him back. "As you may already know, Miss Nam won't be teaching you guys anymore due to personal reasons so I will be filling in for her." No one showed even the slightest sign of sadness at the news of Miss Nam not being here to teach us anymore, of course a hot guy can change anything. "He looks so fake, who could possibly be that cheerful at 8 in the morning." Cindy whispered, one of my close friends, rolling her eyes. "Hey c'mon don't say that, not everyone is a night owl like you." I chuckled. Just as I said that, the new teacher's eyes met mine, making me jump in my seat. He gave me a soft smile. 
did he hear us? "My name is Jeonghan Yoon, I'm 28 years old and um I think that's all that's there to me." He let out a small laugh. It sounded angelic- no, I can't be thinking that about my teacher. I have to stay loyal to Mr. Shin...who is my English teacher, so I can't be helped, can I?

Nabi nudged me, "What?" I whispered. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Yoon smiled at me. I cursed under my breath, standing up. "uhm my name is Yuri Kim, I'm 22 years old." I spoke quickly. "Oh, are you born near the end of the year? The other's are all 21" He asked trying to make me feel more comfortable. I nodded, He smiled and moved on the next person. 

It was the end of the class and we were all packing up, getting ready to leave. "Yuri? Can you stay back?" I nodded and slowed down my packing. Dojin patted my shoulder, "We'll wait outside." I shook my head, "It's alright, head to class. I'll meet you guys there." He hesitantly nodded, leaving the room along with my other friends.

"Yes sir?" I asked, grabbing my stuff and heading towards the front of the class. "I heard you and your friend earlier, so I wanted to thank you for standing up for me. I smiled at you but I thought that maybe you didn't understand why I did that so um yeah." He spoke frantically whilst looking down at his feet. I smiled. "I understood you sir, don't worry. You also don't have to thank me for that. Don't mind what Cindy said, she was just not in a good mood and since there's been a lot of talk about you and a lot of people saying the same things about you to us. It annoyed her a little." He nodded and smiled. "Can I ask you something, sir?" "Go ahead." "Are you really 28? shouldn't you also be a student if you're that young?" He laughed. ahh that angelic sound. "Well if it helps my case, I am qualified but this is my first teaching experience. So, based on this I'll see if I want to quit or keep going." He laughed making me laugh too.

I like Mr. Yoon. In a normal way of course. 

Now it was time for my favorite class. English class~ 
I get to see Mr. Shin and his handsome face. I made my way to class sitting down. Mr. Shin walked in and immediately started teaching. Weird. He usually makes small talk before he starts. Maybe he's in a bad mood today. 

The class went by awfully slow but it was finally over. I was kinda sad too, he didn't smile once today. "Yuri, Stay behind. The rest can leave." He spoke with a stern voice. "wow, you're popular today." Cindy laughed patting my head. After everyone left, Mr. Shin beckoned me over with his hand. I gulped, leaving my things at the table and walking over to him. He was very different today.

As soon as I reached where he was standing, He pulled me by my waist, kissing me on the lips. My eyes widened in shock, I pushed him away. "S-sir what are you doing?" I stuttered.
Yeah, I think he's hot but he can't just do that without consent let alone to a student. I was 22 and he was 35. This is not okay. 

"I'm really frustrated today so keep your mouth shut." He grumbled with hungry eyes. 
I had to get out of here. But before I could move away from him, he flipped me around so that I was facing away from him and pulled me into his body. I tried to pry his hands off my waist my but his grip only tightened. He slid his hand into my shirt, groping my chest through my bra. I started trembling up trying to free myself. "S-sir please s-stop" my mouth quivered, tears rolling down my face. "I said keep your mouth shut!" He shouted. 

He ripped the thin fabric of my t-shirt, leaving me in only my bra and bottoms. I frantically tried to cover myself with my hands. He pulled my hands away, quickly unclipping my bra, turning me around and holding both my wrists behind my back with one hand, groping me with his other. I tried to kick him and free myself but he held my legs back with his leg. I felt so helpless.

The door opened and there stood Mr. Yoon. Mr. Shin quickly threw me onto the ground.
Mr. Yoon quickly analyzed the situation, looking at him and then me, covering my chest with my hands and crying uncontrollably. "What the hell is going on here." Mr. Yoon questioned raising his voice, anger and disgust evident in his tone. "Nothing that concerns you newbie. Leave now and act like you saw nothing." He spoke intimidatingly making me shudder. I looked at Mr. Yoon with desperation, begging with my eyes for him to help me. He looked at me before glancing down at my body. He winced and looked back at Mr. Shin with rage in eyes. He closed the door walking up to Mr. Shin. 

"Ahh so you want to join in ha. That's more like it-" Mr. Shin was interrupted by a fist landing on his jaw, making him stumble back. "What the fu-" This time he punched his stomach making him fall down. Mr. Yoon quickly took his shirt off, giving it to me "Wear it." He spoke passing me a small sympathetic smile. "Head straight to my office, don't interact with anyone. I'll be there soon." I nodded putting on his shirt and standing up with trembling legs quickly grabbing my stuff and now ruined clothes. Leaving and making my way to his office.

The door opened making me quickly turn around. "It's me, don't worry." He smiled at me. He was wearing a shirt that looked like the one Mr. Shin was wearing. Looking at it made me start shaking again. He noticed and frowned. "Should I take it off?" he asked gently. I nodded looking down. He took off the shirt, locking the door and sitting down in front of me. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked almost in a whisper as if he was afraid his voice would hurt me. I inhaled and tried to tell him what happened but my tears beat my voice to it. He got up, coming around to sit down next to me. I looked into his eyes with my bloodshot ones. He frowned pulling me into a gentle hug. "Let it all out." with that I started sobbing into his chest, unable to speak. 

He soon let go of me and I calmed down, telling him everything. "I should have broken his hands" He muttered under his breath clenching his jaw. I looked up at him. "Will they fire you?" I asked with fear laced in my voice. He gave me a sad smile, "Even if they do, I have no regrets. It's alright, it's not your fault. I'll try to get him fired before me though." 

I frowned. "They can check the CCTV-" I suggested. He shook his head "No, I don't want any more people to see you like that. It's just not right." "B-but then there will be no proof. You don't have any wounds on you." "It just means I'm that much better than him" He gave me a playful smile. "I'm being serious, sir. Please use the CCTV footage. I couldn't feel worse anyway." I spoke making him frown again "Don't say that, you don't deserve to feel like that. He should be the only one to feel bad" 

It's been two weeks since that incident and today is the day that Mr. Yoon's suspension ends.
Mr. Shin was fired and blacklisted and Mr. Yoon was given a two week suspension as he did indulge in one sided violence whether for the right reasons or not.
Everyone eventually came to know about what happened and showed pity and sympathy to me, but that eventually died down too. 

"Hello hello everyone, I'm back~" Mr. Yoon sing-songed as he walked into class making everyone cheer for him. Seeing him made me feel good too. He was a kind and caring person and I'll always be grateful to him. 

To our dear Mr. Yoon.

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