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(A/N- A little segment of this chapter is a bit inappropriate (obviously no actual 18+ stuff), but I just wanted to let you know) TW- Blood)
Seokmin Pov

I type away on my keyboard when one of my underlings walk in, "Sir, there was a witness to Yoon's murder. She's in the basement." I sigh in frustration, grabbing the bridge of my nose, "Why didn't you just kill- wait..."she"?" A woman? He responded with a nod, "Yes sir, It was a girl, she seemed to be in her early 20s. We knocked her unconscious and she's in the basement now. I think you'd like to see her, sir." He smirked.

I shook my head in annoyance. "If you're wrong..." I trailed off, in a threatening tone. Standing up and heading down to see just who this girl may be.

I walk in and realize why, she's gorgeous. I blush lightly. She stirs awake and looks around, not having noticed me yet. "So." I speak making my presence known to her. She flinches, tears welling up in her eyes. "P-please don't kill me, I p-promise I won't say anything to anyone." She pleads, trembling with fear. "Hmm so you've seen enough to think it's problematic information, is that right?" I make a sly remark.

She seems innocent but her knowledge is dangerous both her and us, considering Yoon's killing is still a secret though I doubt she knows who he is. "N-no! I d-don't, please let me go, sir!" She looked frightened. I turn to my men, "Give her some sleeping pills. Keep her alive." I instruct the men and walk out while she pleads and shouts after me.

I sigh, this could have been avoided. "What a nuisance" I mutter under my breath. "What's a nuisance?" Hoshi perks up. "That girl." I give him a curt response. "Who?" he asks, clueless. "Ask Boo, I'm too tired to explain" I say pointing to the man who had initially informed me of that girl and the one who killed Yoon. "Tell me Boo-" "Outside. I'd like to be alone." I interrupt him. He gives me a concerned glance but leaves without question along with everyone else who was in my office.

I massage my temples when Hoshi walks back in, alone. "When will you learn to knock-" He interrupts me, rather rudely might I add, "I have an Idea." He beams. "what's it about." "The girl. We can't just let her go but keeping her here is no better, so..." He trails off still grinning. "So?" I ask, my patience wearing thin. "Make her your personal maid, at your villa!" I roll my eyes, "Seriously? what so she could strangle me while I sleep? No thank you." I immediately shut down his offer. "Hey, she seems innocent just unlucky-" he tries to rebuttal, "What if she's pretending to be innocent, but she's actually a spy."

The possibilities are endless. I made sure seungkwan did it in a secluded place, there's no way she just "casually" stumbled upon that place. "If it soothes your head, I'll do a background check on her." The hacker suggested. I sigh again, "If she's clear then she can be your maid, 'kay?" He smiles. "whatever." I grumble. This whole thing is fishy.

Hoshi hands me the report. She really does seem innocent. "So?" He grins with a look of accomplishment. "But what if you made this just so that I-" I pour out my doubts but he interrupts me by raising his hand. "I wouldn't. She's clear so it's decided. Haeri Shim is your maid!" He pumps his fist in the air.

"Why are you so eager to get me a maid?" I raise my eyebrow. "You have so much money yet you don't even have a single maid. We all do, at least one, you need someone to take care of you without being a hindrance."
He's not wrong but I can't shake off this uncomfortable feeling.

The next day the girl, Haeri, arrives with her stuff that Chan fetched for her. I got hidden cameras installed in every room except mine and bathrooms and made one of my trusted guys monitor them regularly. I got her luggage checked and made her stay on the ground floor as a precaution.

Great, now I'll feel unsafe even at home. "Damn it." I curse under my breath as she walks out of her room to make me dinner. I sit and watch her, just to ease my paranoia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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