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Yeji Pov

I was pulled out of my slumber by my noisy roommate. "Yeji wake up!" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes with my clenched fists. I stifled a yawn and grabbed my phone to check the time. 
"Shit" I muttered under my breath. My 'short afternoon nap' had turned into a full on night's rest, I had been asleep for 8 hours.

It was currently 9pm and my roommate was nagging me for forgetting about our night plans. She wanted to go check out the new Jeon bar that had opened last month. She originally planned on going during the opening week but it was far too busy for us to even go in it's vicinity. But tonight's the day we'll finally get to go.

Yura, my roommate, is the life of every party. She could never pass up to opportunity to get involved. And unfortunately for me, I happen to be her best friend. 
"Hurry up, get dressed." She whined, I rolled my eyes at her constant nagging. "I don't have any 'bar' clothes unless you want me to pull up in a hoodie and sweats." She sighed and dragged me to her room, giving me the shortest dress I'd ever seen. It might as well just be a t-shirt. But we didn't have time to find a more PG dress so this will have to do.

I got dressed in the black mini dress she had given me and wore a small pendant necklace. I quickly did my make-up, I drew on some dark colored eye liner and applied some red lipstick on my lips. I slipped on some red heels that went with my lipstick and grabbed my phone. I was good to go. Yura was dressed in a sparkly light blue mini dress that went well with her dyed dark blue hair, she had silver heels on and a matching silver clutch. I handed her my phone as I wasn't carrying a clutch and we had promised to stick together, so it would be fine if she held onto it for me.

We rushed downstairs and got into the uber Yura had called for us. We reached 15 minutes later and headed towards the entrance, showing the buff security guard our IDs and we were let in.
We walked and immediately felt the smell of alcohol, sweat and expensive cologne hit us. I groaned and Yura laughed at my reaction to the scene in front of me.

"This is gonna be a long night." I spoke and Yura ignored the evident annoyance in my voice and face. "It's gonna be so fun!" she exclaimed, trying to cheer me up and obviously failing. Before I knew it she was dragging me by my hand to the bar and getting us a seat. We ordered 2 shots of vodka and the bartender, who looked around our age, brought them to us.

He gave me, specifically, a toothy smile. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes, He was wearing a white shirt with the first two buttons unbuttoned and a necklace adorning on his well defined pecs, his sleeves roughly rolled up to his elbows exposing his slightly tanned and veiny forearms.
His eyes noticeably fixated on my exposed cleavage. I sighed, downing my shot and closing my eyes at the burning sensation at the back of my throat. I ordered and downed a few more shots recklessly, I just want this night to end. 

Yura soon found a guy to "just dance" with and left me at the bar, promising to come back to the same spot by 11pm. I nodded tipsily and sent her off. Yeah I'm not gonna be able to see her again tonight. She'll probably spend the rest of the night with him.

I closed my eyes again and rested my head on the bar counter but I almost immediately felt a new presence next to me, a man I presume. I could smell his woody cologne right next to me, It was so strong that it felt as if someone was purposely wafting it around me. He didn't approach or even try to talk to me nor was he ordering any drinks, he was just...staring at me. weird.

"Um miss, I don't think you should drink this much." the hesitant bartender tried to stop me as I tried to order my, probably, tenth shot tonight. I looked at his flustered face and let out a drunken giggle. "Are you going to stop me?" I giggled again slurring my words together, proving how drunk I was. 

I heard the unknown man next to me groan, I turned to him and saw him holding a phone in his hand and another new man was gripping his wrist, he looked angry. The new man was tall, over 6 foot for sure, He was dressed in a two-piece black suit with a suit jacket, black pants and a dark pink dress shirt. The first few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and a ring on his little finger. His dark hair loosely styled with a few strands escaping onto his forehead. Basically he looked hot.

The hot guy whispered something inaudible to him making grow pale and scramble off. He calmly sat down at the spot where the previous man was seated, ordering a shot. "He was trying to take an inappropriate video of you but he's gone now, don't worry." He spoke, sensing my confusion. "Okay thanks" I mumbled, giving him a nod and a sloppy smile to express my gratitude. He chuckled, "You're too drunk to be here on your own." He commented, eyeing my appearance and my flushed face.

The bartender walked up to us and gave him his shot. "Dokyeom, how many shots did she drink?" the man spoke addressing the bartender. "Like around 10, I told her to stop though." Dokyeom answered. The man sighed. "Are you here with someone? could you call them or someone else to come pick you up?" He spoke, redirecting his attention to me. "My friend went to get laid. She has my phone." I spoke slowly, trying to sound coherent. "Alright then, let me take you home" He spoke, pushing the shot back to Dokyeom. "I'll drink this another time" He nodded and Dokyeom nodded back. 

"Get up, let's go" The man spoke getting up from his seat, I too tried to get up but I almost fell over, thankfully he caught me in time. He stifled a laugh, "looks like you're a light weight." With that, he carried me bridal style to the parking lot and seated me in, what I'm assuming is, his car. He placed his suit jacket on my lap and put my seatbelt on. He got in the other side, "What's your address?" He asked me, but before he could finish his question, I was asleep.

I woke up with my head throbbing, I clutched my head and groaned. I was still in last night's clothes and in an unfamiliar bedroom. I looked around and found a glass of water and a packet paracetamol. I took two and drank the water. All the memories from last night came rushing to me. I groaned again but this time out of embarrassment.
I headed downstairs and saw the same hot man from last night but this time he was in a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. "Looks like you're finally awake" He smirked. I gulped, "Did I do anything wrong after passing out in the car last night?" I sheepishly asked. "I don't know, what is your definition of 'wrong'?" He asked walking up to me. 

I stuttered, he laughed "You didn't do anything, don't worry." He spoke easing my mind. "A-alright, thank you for helping me um-" "Mingyu." He spoke, "Thank you Mingyu" I smiled. He nodded. "Let me drive you home." I reluctantly accepted. We walked out of his expensive looking mansion to his very expensive looking car. He opened the door for me and I thanked him and got in, he followed soon after. He started the car and began speaking,

"So, will you tell me your address this time?" 

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