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Chan Pov

First day of 10th grade. I walk in and I'm met with a sea of people trying to greet me, I somehow get through the crowd and make my way to class. I heard from my connections that our homeroom teacher is going to be... less than desirable, but more importantly that brat Yeol Jeon is going to be in my class again. 

Yeol Jeon has been my rival since elementary school, she's always been neck to neck with me in terms of grades, If I'm first she's second and If I'm second she's first. Not only is she an absolute nerd she's also very cold to everyone, she doesn't even try to socialize.

I walk in and lo and behold, she's there, as always. "Ha sitting in the front bench like the nerd you are, as if any teacher is actually going to talk to your-." Sora, the prime source of all gossip and also Yeol's bully since god knows when, was mocking her... again, "Let her be Sora, Little Yeol-ie just wants to study harder." I spoke in a sarcastic tone, passing them and taking my seat at the back. Sora nods and runs off, From what I've heard Sora likes me so she listens to whatever I say without question.
Yeol turns back and gives me a creepy smile. W-what the- is she threatening me?

Soon all the students piled into their classes and without any delay so did our new homeroom teacher causing almost everyone to groan, she's known for being obsessed with discipline. "Kids get up, I'm not letting you be friends during my class." she squeaked with her annoying voice. She changed all our places and made Yeol sit right in front of me. Now I'll have to stare at the back of her head everyday. "Great, just great" I muttered, "You're that happy to be near me?" Yeol turned back and looked at me with a confused expression, "you don't understand sarcasm, are you that dense?" I rolled my eyes, ha as if I'll be happy to sit near her. "understand sarcasm?" wow, she really is that dense. 

Fast-forward 10 years

"Yes Mr. Lee, You start on Monday." Spoke the principal of the school I'm going to be working at. 
Monday arrived sooner than expected. I wore a white button down and black pants, keeping it pretty simple, I threw on a pair of non-prescription glasses and drove myself to work. Apparently there was another rookie teacher who joined last year, who is going to be my mentor, I was told that they're very popular with both the teachers and the students. I need to get on their good side.

My mouth hung wide open when I walked into the staff room to meet my mentor. There stood the woman I thought I'd never see again, the woman I severely despised all throughout my school life. "YEOL JEON?!" I was shocked. "Oh, Mr. Lee, you're here!" She gave me a warm smile. I couldn't believe my eyes, I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" There's no way she's my mentor. I'd rather die- "I work here." My eyes widened. "But don't worry I know you hate me so I told them not to assign me to you. Mr. Choi will be mentoring you, not me." I heaved a sigh of relief. "I don't hate you" I mumbled. "pardon?" I jolted back to my senses, what am I saying? Of course I hate her as I should. "Ahem, So he's the popular teacher who joined last year?" I enquired. "Oh no, that's me. I only found out this morning so we made prompt changes. He's been here for like 6 years." she informed. "You're...popular?" "Haha I've changed, chan." With that she patted my shoulder and walked in. I blushed.
"yea, she's definitely changed." I mumbled. 

I composed myself and walked in and bumped into a bulky figure. "Oh I'm sorry" I bowed. "huh so you're Chan Lee." I shivered at his rough voice, he had a scary and unwelcoming expression on his face. "Y-yes I am." I stuttered. "I'm Seungcheol Choi, your mentor. I'll see you second period, don't be late." He walked away. See me where? He is my mentor?
I got on all fours dramatically. "My life is over-" I then heard some giggling followed by a "That sir is so weird". Students saw me do that? Now my life is really over.


Mr. Choi slapped my back and started laughing. I'm pretty sure I just got a bruise. I followed him around the whole day, he worked me to the bone. I even ran laps around the school. Why did I even do that? I'm a teacher not a student. 
I slammed my head on my designated desk, I'm so exhausted right now that I can't even care about how much pain I'm in. I can't do this every day. "You okay?" I looked up and it was another teacher, why did I expect to see Yeol? 

"I'm Vernon Chwe, I'm an English teacher" He smiled at me, I gave him an exhausted smile back "I don't even know what I am" I groaned. He laughed, "Is Mr. Choi your mentor?" I nodded against the desk. "ah, that explains it. You know you can request to change mentors, right?" He casually dropped this life changing information. I sprung back to life, "Say what?!"


"Miss. Jeon, Mr. Lee wants to change mentors" He laughed walking up to her at the teacher's lunch table. I sheepishly nodded, looking at the floor. I can't believe I'm coming to her for help. "Can you mentor him instead?" I jerked my head upwards. "W-what? She mentor me?" I asked. "There are no other mentors other than her and Mr. Choi. You choose." I sighed in defeat, I have to let go of my ego if I want to survive this. "Um Mr. Chwe, I'll try to find some othe-" Yeol tried to make things less awkward. "Okay, You can be my mentor Yeol." She gave me a skeptical look, "You sure?" She asked, I nodded. Mr. Chwe gave me a suspicious look. 

"Alright then, I'll teach you everything you need to know" she smiled. I'll have to get along with her, don't I?

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