a punishment...

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Jungkook : come in

Taeni : why are you calling me.

Jungkook : standing here for 2 hours as you punishment.
If you move then 10 min are add in your punishment...

Taeni: hey listen I am not doing any mistakes you ask me then I replied your question's answer. So why I get punishment.

Jungkook : I am your professor. If you talk to me like this , I have a power to punish you so don't move.

Taeni after 30 min standing she feel pain in her legs, so she move 3 times and jungkook add 30min in her punishment.

After 2 hours 30 min taeni come out his cabin and go to her classroom. Then her friend shivi say.

Shivi : I have a big crush on jungkook sir , can you give me any idea.

Taeni : he is very rude and cold person, he is very bad I hate him. And she went there at her home.

After someday ..
Taeni always disturb jungkook she didn't attend his class didn't here his lecture and always try to teased him. Then she found his home address.
In the evening taeni went jungkook's home and ring the bell. Jungkook come and open the door.

Jungkook see that taeni is standing there taeni come inside the home fastly

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Jungkook see that taeni is standing there taeni come inside the home fastly. And said.

Taeni in wishper : tell me do you really forget me ,

Jungkook : what are you saying .

Taeni : in the mall that day we kiss each other. Do you really forget.

And taeni touch jungkook chest with her fingers slowly .

Jungkook :I am not that person. You have some misunderstanding.

Taeni :really then let me kiss you again if you are not that person.
Then taeni come closer to jungkook and then they both are fall down but in the ground jungkook and taeni is on his body.

They both are same position when they meet first time but in this jungkook in on ground and taeni is on his body but taeni didnot know that she touched jungkook private part but jungkook realized

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They both are same position when they meet first time but in this jungkook in on ground and taeni is on his body but taeni didnot know that she touched jungkook private part but jungkook realized. And he won her but she ignored him

Taeni : look we again fall down . Then she go near jungkook.

Jungkook :stopeted please get up you are on wrong.
But taeni ignored him and go near to him then jungkook suddenly put his hand on his mouth and taeni kiss his hand . Then jungkook say.

Jungkook : get up please.

Taeni: first tell me you remember me .

Jungkook : yes I remember you . You are the person whose I meet in the mall no please get up . You are on wrong side

Then taeni realized that she is really on his private part . She get up fastly.

Jungkook : now go to your house .
And he grab her hand and pull out of his home .

After somedays.........
Taeni come home his father said.

Mr.kim : taeni today I see you report card and you very low marks in English , so I decided that you should have to study English , so your university professor mr. Jeon come home and teach you English.

Taeni : what ? I didn't need any tutor and tuition ok

Mr. Kim : this is finally decision English is very important for your future. I didn't ignore it.

In evening time jungkook come home.

In evening time jungkook come home

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He bow down mr.kim and mrs.kim.
Mrs kim show him taeni's room . Jungkook entered taeni room.

He saw that taeni sleep her bed and scroll her phone. She wear a white shirt with shot pant . And her milky legs shows

Jungkook eyes are stuck on her legs

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Jungkook eyes are stuck on her legs. Then control himself and said taeni can you go and change and open you book .

Taeni : so you come . Sit on the couch and spend your time and go.

Jungkook :I am that type of teacher who take money and waste their time and don't teach their students. I am here because you father requested me .so go and open your book.
If you not then I told your father and he stopped you pocket money you debit cards . Are you want it.

Taeni go and sit on couch and open her book.

Jungkook : so which topic have you problem.

Taeni : you , you are my problem.

Jungkook : mind your language.

Taeni : I know that you know English but don't try to on me.

Jungkook : I don't show my language. I am you professor so respect me. Now tell me where you have problem

Taeni : I have no any problem. I know all .

Jungkook : good now let's me ask you questions.
Jungkook ask many questions but taeni didn't give me right answers.

Jungkook : so this is your study. You are fail in my text. Tomorrow I will start 1 chapter . Now I give you home work.

Taeni : I am not kid so why you give me homework.

Jungkook : not only kid gets home . Ok
This is your homework and I check it tomorrow, so completed it.ok
Then jungkook go out of his room.

Taeni :I did see this type of professor in my life he is very rude. And see the door where jungkook go before some time........
. ..


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