jungkook get one chance

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When taeni come home she that shivi sat on the couch and wait for taeni.....shivi does not wait for taeni like this.....so taeni worried and ask shivi....

Taeni : why are you worried shivi...

Shivi in her cold voice : why you don't understand....

Taeni : what I did again ..tell me

Shivi : why you add jeon in you son surname......

Taeni : because his dad's surname is also jeon....so I do...

Then shivi get angry and said : but why jeon ......you should add another surname like park , min , kim but why jeon ......why you always remember that bastard....

Taeni : please forget it ......I doesn't want to talk on this topic......
And I do this because I want to tell my son about his father ....... but I never go back my son to jungkook...

Shivi : what do you think if jungkook know about his son he try to live with his son....

Taeni want to tell something befor door bell start ring...then she go and open the door.......she get shock because jungkook is on the door

Jungkook (in clame voice ) : I am sorry to follow you

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Jungkook (in clame voice ) : I am sorry to follow you .......but i want to talk to you it's important...can you give 10min...please....

Taeni : no I have not time..

Then shivi come and said who is there....she saw jungkook and get angry....

Shivi : what are you doing here...get out from here immediately....

Jungkook : shivi I want to talk taeni it's important....please shivi I only want 10min....

Shivi : no she doesn't want to talk you.
So please leave...

Jungkook :please shivi try to understand...I only want 10 min ......then I never disturb her...please.......I only explain her everything I can't live with this regret. I only want 10min .....

Then jungkook look taeni and said please say her to go out I only talk to you only 10min...

Then taeni said to shivi : wait in car for 10 min then come...

Shivi : ok but remember don't give him chance and don't melted you heart again...

Taeni : don't worry I already forget my every feeling....

Then shivi rolled her eyes and go outside of home.......

Taeni: now tell me what you want to talk to me...

Jungkook come in house and line by line explaining everything ..... jungkook said : you know my sister have his boyfriend , but my dad do not him and he kill him in front of my sister and that time they both are married and my sister also pregnant , but she can't do any things........but I doesn't want that thing with you so I didn't say anything......that day I fight with my dad after you go but he warned me that if I again talk to you he must be kill you.....so I can't do anything.....please forgave me..but now I want you ....... I love you taeni.

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