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THE "PARTY" WAS GOOD, I mean I didn't have any other interaction with Geto for the rest of the night.

However, I did get to know Shoko and Gojo better, which is definitely one step closer to maybe getting a two-second glance from Geto.

I spent my weekend catching up on my hobbies but now comes the big day.

Back to fucking school.

Only two days passed but holy shit do I want this to be over with.

Well, the year will be finished soon, but regardless it's still a hassle to come into this place and sit down for half of my day.

I walked through the gates and joined my two friends who were talking to Shoko.

"Morning Y/n, did you enjoy Friday night?" Shoko asked me.

"I did enjoy it thanks, what about you?"

"It was alright, very calm, unlike the other ones." she laughed nervously.

A feeling in my stomach festered as I heard that, but the feeling was more like excitement mixed with dread.

"Well Gojo is happy to have you over soon again, I'll let you know when he's hosting again." she smiled at me.

I spot Geto walking through the gates, avoiding the crowd of girls in the middle of the walkway.

He walks over to us and sighs in relief.

"God I hate these girls." he put his hand on his forehead.

"Liar, you love the attention." (2) laughed at him.

"Shut up (2)." he glared at them.

"He didn't deny it." Shoko teased him.

The group of girls have their eyes burning through our backs, and I can feel the tension.

"How were your weekends?" he asked all of us.

"Nothing too extravagant, I think I curled up in my kitchen and cried." (1) joked.

"I went golfing with Gojo on Sunday." (2) checked their nails.

"Definitely an extravagant weekend for you." he deadpanned.

He turned to look at me and I could feel my body freeze.

"And you?"

God, he looks so soft...I just want to eat him or something.

"I...I caught up with my hobbies." I tried to act casual.

"That's cool." he turned away from me, letting me finally breathe.

Geto. Spoke. To. Me.

We had a conversation! We exchanged words! We exchanged looks!

He's in love with me.

No, he's not what the fuck is wrong with me.

We all began walking inside the building and my heart felt like it beating out of its chamber.

The group of girls behind us were giving me dirty looks because I spoke to their communal crush.

Right now that doesn't matter, what does matter is that the guy I like just spoke to me.

Was he smiling at me? Was he interested in what I had to say? Or was he just acting casual? Maybe he likes me?

No, he doesn't like me, why am I acting delusional?

And why did I say I wanted to eat him earlier?

I didn't say it but it was a thought, a weird thought.

Hopefully, Gojo will host another party or something, maybe Geto and I can exchange a few words.

Or maybe he can stick his tongue down my throat.

I'm getting ahead of myself, let's just start at having a proper conversation.


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