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I'M STANDING WITH MY GROUP OF FRIENDS AS USUAL, I'm just waiting to meet eyes with Geto while he walks through the gate.

"What did you and Geto do when you walked off? You guys never talk." (2) asked me.

"Uh-" I get caught off guard by someone poking my shoulder.

I turn around and I'm met with Geto holding the same drink I ordered yesterday.

"You didn't have to do that." I looked shocked and smiled at him.

Shoko and the other two had their brows furrowed as they watched the interaction take place.

"It would be rude if I didn't Y/n." he handed me the drink with a chuckle.

He ended up standing next to me in the circle, something he'd never done before.

"Uhm." (2) looked a bit disturbed, but not in a bad way.

"Are we going to ignore this?" Shoko pointed at me.

"She made me buy her a drink yesterday." he joked.

"What you're a liar!" I exclaimed.

I could feel eyes burning through my back and went quiet.

"I'm kidding, Gojo took us out yesterday." Geto covered it up.

(2) had a dirty look on their face but brushed it off.

"No wonder the idiot wasn't answering me." they rolled their eyes.


While I sat outside the gymnasium waiting for the bell to ring I heard a familiar voice behind me, talking to someone else.

They walked out of the gymnasium and noticed me sitting in my lonesome and approached me.

"I'll see you tonight right?" he asked as he drank out of his water bottle.

"You'll see me tonight." I chuckled tiredly.

"Can't walk you home on Wednesdays because I have extracurriculars, but I will tomorrow," he tells me.

"Why are you so keen on walking me to and from school?"

"Because I have to be nice to get what I want." he joked.

"Okay, now I'm turned off." I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"I'm kidding Y/n, you know that."

"I don't." I glared at him.

"Oh god I have to sleep over so you can forgive me don't I." he looked worried.

"I never invited you!" I exclaimed.

"Yes you did!" he fought back.

Shoko and (1) walked towards me with a weird look on their faces.

I mean I don't blame them, this isn't something you see like ever.

Me and Geto have never actually spoken, and now it's super weird we are arguing over having a sleepover.

"Go home." he scoffed as a joke and walked back into the gymnasium.

"I might as well not ask." Shoko crossed her arms.

"I wish I could explain." I groaned into my palms.

"Maybe they're just becoming friends because we are all a group?" (1) tried to reason with Shoko.

"I'm not mad (1), don't worry." Shoko giggled and put a hand on their shoulder.

"There's nothing going on between us, don't think of it that way." I lied to them.

"Uh-huh...like him handing you a drink you previously ordered definitely means nothing is going on." Shoko teased me.

"And he remembered what you ordered." (1) added.

"There's nothing going on." I glared at them and got up.

"How would (2) feel about it?" (1) asked Shoko.

"Why should (2) have an opinion about it," I asked them.

"I don't know...I think because like Gojo is their best friend and all." Shoko added.

I felt the impulse to correct Shoko but kept my mouth.


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