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I opened it to be met with him, he had a smile on his face when our eyes locked.

"Morning Geto." I chuckled.

"Do you want to get something to drink before school?" he offered.

"I'll never say no to that." I smiled at him and closed the door behind me once I left.

We both walked together and spoke about the night before.

"Do you think (2) will be weird with us today?" I asked him.

"No, don't worry," he reassured me as we entered the coffee shop to get our drinks.

The staff recognised Geto as he is one of their frequent customers.

He ordered and paid for both of our beverages and we were back on our way to school, occasionally holding each other's fingers while we walked.

"Thank you for doing this for me...you really don't have to," I said nervously.

"Don't worry about it my girl, I'm just being kind." he squeezed my fingers.

I had a blush covering my face at the pet name he had just called me so casually.

"I'll walk you home today, we can get something to eat afterwards and maybe...we can go back to your house?" he asked sneakily.

"That sounds good, I like that." I looked to the side with a smile on my lips.

We both approached the school gates and walked through together, definitely alerting our group of friends.

All three of them turned to look at us, but those weren't the only eyes on us.

The fan girls were also fixated on us, but our walking together meant nothing since we weren't holding hands or anything.

Geto and I joined our usual group and stood next to each other, which definitely gave them questioning faces.

"And you don't even get drinks for us?" Shoko looked offended.

"I don't have that much money and that many hands." Geto laughed it off.

"You have the money to buy Y/n a drink every day for the last three days." Shoko continued.

"Four days." he corrected her.

"I don't want to know how many days you've been inside her, I just want a drink."

Geto and I looked at Shoko with the most shocked expressions on our faces.

(1) and (2) had similar ones, and all four of us looked very disturbed.

"We aren't having sex Shoko..." he laughed awkwardly.

"Maybe that was a step too low...sorry about that." she tried to apologise and we all forgave her.

The bell rang and we all began to disperse, but before Geto and I parted ways he followed me.

"I'll see you during English, maybe sit next to me for a change." he giggled and walked off, leaving me with a smile on my face.

A group of girls who I very much already recognised approached me and grabbed my shoulder.

"Are you and Geto...together?" they had judging looks.

"No...and get off me." I returned their expressions and brushed the hand off me.

"You're too quiet to be a bitch, you're invisible for the most part and now that a guy is giving you attention you have an attitude?" the girl crossed her arms.

"I'm glad you noticed me, that means I'm not invisible. I just keep to myself, unlike all of you." I walked off to my next class, leaving them frustrated.


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