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"YOU READY TO GO HOME?" he asked me as he stood outside the gates waiting for me.

"Yeah, aren't you going to say goodbye to the others?" I asked him.


"Okay then." I chuckled and followed him.

"We're not going to the Cafe today, we can just go straight back," he said as we walked together.



"What do I tell the others about us?"

"Have you?"

"No, I've just denied it."

"Good, I think that's the safest option."


"It's distasteful to have a bunch of fan girls hating on you."

"No I don't mean the fan girls, I mean our friends."

"Yes I know, I think it's better if we just deny it."

"Okay then." I smiled at him.

"...I have a feeling you're going to ask me what we are?" he looked at me worriedly.

"I wasn't going to ask you, It's a question I ask myself in private."

"You're one of my girls Y/n, I know the plural doesn't make it sound good though..." he chuckled awkwardly.

"Do you treat your other girls like this?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't, realistically there aren't any other girls."

"What about those girls at the party?"

"I don't talk to them anymore, I haven't been talking to girls since Gojo had that talk with me."

"I won't ask about what you and Gojo spoke about if you don't want to."

"I can just say that you're my girl Y/n, there's not much more to it."

A smile took over my face as he referred to me as his girl.

"Gojo wants me to take you seriously since you actually mean something to him and his friends. After that night when we first made out, I realised that I'm not a good person if I pressure you into sex."

"Maybe we should just keep it under wraps for now." I stopped and looked at him in the eye.

"Can just be between you and me...and Gojo I guess." he chuckled as he got closer to me.

Finally, I saw something in his eyes.

It wasn't lust or regret, it was attraction.

I pulled him closer and kissed him softly, and he reciprocated.

There was something behind this kiss, it was sweet.

It wasn't sour like the kiss we shared at the party, this one had meaning.

He pulled away and started walking along with me, but now he had my fingers intertwined with his.

After a bit of walking, we finally arrived at my house and we stopped at the entrance.

He looked nervous and so did I, so I just asked him the question.

"Do you want to come in? We can hang out until we have dinner tonight or something..."

"I can't today...my parents need me home to do something for them. But I'll come over tomorrow." he smiled and kissed me once more before bidding his goodbyes and walking to his house.

I entered my house with a smile, and I finally felt like I was living in a dream and not in a nightmare.


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