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Chapter 21 Domineering President Alpha Twenty-one

In the early morning, the sunlight shines through the gauze curtains in the center of the floor-to-ceiling windows and onto the red-brown solid wood floor, making it look warm.

The vibrating mobile phone on the bedside table woke He Heng from his sleep.

Today is a working day and he still needs to go to the company.

However, when He Heng was about to raise his arm, he noticed something was wrong. Omega's plush head was resting on his arm. The person in his arms was still sleeping but the temperature was boiling hot.

Shi Shuang's temperature was too high, and he hugged him as if he were holding a heater.

When He Heng noticed something was wrong, he immediately lowered his head and looked down.

He saw that Shi Shuang's eyes were tightly closed, his eyebrows were furrowed, and there was an abnormal blush on his face. He looked uncomfortable even in his sleep.

He Heng reached out and touched his forehead. It felt hot to the touch and the temperature was abnormally high.

"Shuangshuang, wake up."

He touched Shi Shuang's shoulder, hoping to wake him up.

"Hmm~" Shi Shuang snorted uncomfortably. His eyelids trembled slightly but he still didn't wake up. He just subconsciously reached out and grabbed He Heng's arm and leaned into his arms.

He Heng called him twice more, and Omega finally woke up in a daze.

Shi Shuang blinked, and the golden light fell on his fair face. Omega's eyes were still a little dull, and the big amber eyes looked out of focus, like a confused puppy.

He Heng had just finished sending a message to his personal doctor. Seeing that Shi Shuang finally woke up, he put down his phone and looked at the other person and said,

"You seem to have a fever. Get up and eat something first. I'll ask the doctor to come and take a look."

Shi Shuang wasn't feeling well yet. Sober, after hearing what He Heng said, he just instinctively said "Yeah." a few times.

After he finished speaking, his head was still sunken into the soft pillow, not wanting to move at all.

"Do you feel bad?"

Looking at Omega's sick look, He Heng gently touched his cheek with the back of his hand and coaxed softly, "Just let the doctor come and take a look later." After that,

he When he turned around and was about to press the communicator on the bedside table and ask the maid downstairs to order hot water and food, his sleeves were suddenly pulled.

He Heng turned around and saw Omega raising his eyes slightly and looking up at him, with a circle of red around his eyes.

At this moment, Shi Shuang seemed to have finally come to his senses. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and whispered to Alpha,

"It's uncomfortable."

As he said that, Omega curled up into a ball next to He Heng, looking aggrieved. , this look made He Heng still feel distressed.

Just now he touched the other person's forehead, and judging from past experience, Shi Shuang probably had a high fever.

As for why Shi Shuang had a fever, He Heng's first reaction was that it was related to the forced fever agent injected last night. After all, 996 told him that it had serious side effects.

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