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Chapter 61: The Rebellious and Scumbag Disciple (Seventeen)

At this moment, in the solemn and solemn large conference room on the top floor of the hall, there was a crisp sound of iron falling to the ground.

The moment Yan Qing'an's long sword fell to the ground, He Heng reached out and put his arm around his waist, taking the person into his arms. Then he picked up the sword on the ground and handed it to the little demon beside him.

Nie Zong looked at the way his nephew, who had always been cold and cold, was obediently nestled in his arms, and he always felt that there was an indescribable harmony in the strangeness.

At this moment, he only felt that his forehead was "protruding".

Seeing that the two of them were still there next to each other with no intention of separating,

"Cough, cough." Nie Zong coughed twice to break the awkward atmosphere.

Then he glanced at He Heng, then turned to Yan Qing'an and said,

"Qing'an, please go out for a moment. I have something to say to him."

"Uncle Master"

Yan Qing'an looked at He Heng with some worry. Heng looked like he was afraid that he would be embarrassed by Nie Zong after he left.

Seeing this, Nie Zong frowned and said, "I won't do anything to him."


looking at Yan Qing'an protecting this little puppy, Nie Zong had to wonder if he was being taken advantage of by the other party. Bewitched.

He Heng didn't mind. He smiled and said in Yan Qing'an's ear, "It's okay."

Then he looked at Nie Zong and said, "I think Taoist Nie has something important to discuss with me, and he won't put me in trouble." How about it."


After hearing what he said, Yan Qing'an could only nodded slightly.

He Heng smiled at him again,

"You were so tired just now. Master, you must be hungry too. Go out and eat something first. I'll come to you in a moment."

After he said this, Yan Qing'an's face suddenly turned red, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly. After hesitating for a long time, he hesitated and said, " Okay."

Nie Zong, who was standing aside, saw all these little actions of He Heng, and he cursed in his heart:

This little brat can show off his kindness for nothing, but he has a lot of thoughts!

And my little nephew seems to be completely eaten up by him. How can this go on?

However, what is going on with this disgusting energy coming towards these two people?

On the other side, as soon as Yan Qingan stood up and left the house, He Heng spoke first,

"Taoist Nie, you came all the way from Huashan to see me. You must have something important?" "

Huh," Nie Zong Qing sneered, walked to He Heng and stood opposite him,

"I think you should know that you are no longer a disciple of my Huayang Sword Sect, and you have no master-disciple relationship with my nephew,"

he said At this point, Nie Zong changed the subject and added a bit of a harsh tone,

"This is the path you have chosen. Since you have now become the Demon Lord of Jiuyou Huangquan, you should no longer be entangled with my nephew. , Huayang Sword Sect's debt to the He family was paid off three years ago when he saved your life. I don't want to dwell on your previous grudges, but from now on you will be your Demon Lord. It has nothing to do with my righteous path."

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