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Chapter 71 Xiaomeren’s Human Scumbag (9)

In the center of the altar,

Wu Yuansi didn't know how to respond to He Heng's repeated questions.

The emperor on the other side of the high platform was aroused by He Heng's words,

"Gu thinks his method sounds interesting. In that case, you might as well give it a try and prove to Gu who is the real messenger of light."

Hearing this, Wu Yuansi's brows almost twisted into the Chinese character "Sichuan". He immediately stroked his long beard and looked at the emperor,

"Your Majesty, you don't believe me?

" There is a difference of words. Is there any contradiction between not trusting Mr. and not fighting with him?"

Wu Yuansi: ""

Seeing that Wu Yuansi was silent and did not speak, the emperor seemed a little unhappy,

"Why, is it possible that Mr. is unwilling? What do you mean?"

How could Wu Yuansi dare to disobey the emperor's wishes in front of the civil and military officials of the court at this moment? He quickly shook his head and said, "I have no objections, veteran." The emperor

sat back on the throne with satisfaction and said,

"There are still people who have objections to this. Hearing

this, all the civil and military ministers present said in unison: "I have no objection."

"Okay, let's get started."

After that, the emperor waved his sleeves and asked the palace people to clear up the place.

For the sake of fairness, all the topics for this battle were chosen after discussions between the emperor and the ministers. In order to better judge the true level of the two people in all aspects, the competition was divided into two parts.

The first half tested the two people's divination skills, and the second half allowed the two to freely use their own spells.

Before the first half started, the emperor specially ordered someone to find an old woman outside the sacrificial venue. The old woman slowly walked to the two people on the altar with the support of her daughter.

In order to increase the difficulty of the competition, the emperor also ordered people to cover their eyes with black cloth to prevent them from inferring information through some external characteristics.

He Heng and Wu Yuansi could not see the old woman's appearance and movements, but the other people present could see it clearly.

Everyone saw that the old woman, with the support of her daughter, was still groping in the air with her hands, and her steps were shaky. It was obvious that her eyes were dim and she could not see the road in front of her clearly.

It was not difficult for everyone to infer from this that the old woman should be blind.

On the altar,

He Heng stood there with a black cloth covering his eyes and an expression of indifference.

But he secretly communicated with 996 in his heart: "Help me good brother, this time it's up to you."

996: [? 】

【What do you mean? ]

He Heng: "In other novels, aren't there systems that cheat the male protagonists and help them get to the top of their lives? Look at you, I've helped you complete the tasks in three small worlds, you help Is it too much for me to cheat?"

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