~yandere harumi~

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Harumi and Lloyd met by chance on a hot summer day. Both were in a park, reading their favorite books. Lloyd, a charming young man with green eyes and blond hair, noticed Harumi, a girl with a mysterious look and snow-white hair.

Lloyd, intrigued by Harumi's beauty, decided to approach her and start a conversation. "Hi, my name is Lloyd. I noticed you were reading a very interesting book. What is it about?"

Harumi, surprised by Lloyd's kindness, smiled shyly. "Hi, I'm Harumi. This book is about adventures and how love can change people's lives."

From that moment, the two began to date more and more often. They shared their passions, their dreams and their fears. Lloyd felt attracted to Harumi's enigmatic personality, while she found him to be a sincere and caring friend.

One day, while they were walking in the park, Harumi noticed a girl named Akita with Lloyd. She was a charming young woman, with short black hair and eyes as yellow as gold. Harumi suddenly felt attracted to her and felt a feeling of jealousy towards Akita.

From that moment, Harumi began to look for plans to remove Akita from Lloyd's life. Jealousy and obsession took over her mind, pushing her into dark and dangerous thoughts. thinking she had to take a bat and hit her on the head as hard as possible..

harumi approached akita in the park: "hi akita" harumi said. "erm..hello harumi.." akita said looking disgustedly at harumi from feet to head."yesterday when you weren't at school the teacher assigned a project for two of us to do and put us together" Harumi said.

"okay.. what exactly do we need to do?" Akita asked. "We have to make an exhibition about two different plants, do we do it at my house or your house?" Harumi asked.

akita thought for a moment, she didn't want to go to 'harumi's horrible house' but she definitely didn't want harumi to infect her room with her 'poor air' so she looked at her and said, "let's do it at your house.. "

"okay, here's my address and number!" Harumi said taking a note out of one of her pockets and quickly handed it to Akita before running away. "she's a such weird girl.." Akita said to herself watching as Harumi disappeared into the distance.

-akita and harumi's chat-

akita: when will we see each other?

tomorrow at 4:00 pm?

akita: I can't at 4, is 6:00 okay?

yes it's fine

akita: okay.. is there something I need to bring?

no, I have all the material

akita: ok

-the day after-

it was 5:50 in the afternoon, harumi started preparing everything for akita's arrival, she went to her room and took down all the photos of lloyd hanging on the wall and put them in a random drawer, then she went to the kitchen and got some snacks, she returned to her room and placed them on her small table.

it wasn't long before akita came to knock on harumi's door, harumi went to open the door for akita, when harumi opened the door akita immediately gave her a look, harumi had her hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing a light green dress with of the white shoes, Akita couldn't deny it, Harumi was much more beautiful than her and this made her feel great envy towards her.

"So what do we do?" Akita asked trying to pretend she wasn't envious of the look of the white haired girl in front of her. "let's go to my room" harumi said taking akita by the arm and carrying her to her room.

As soon as she arrived in Harumi's room, Akita was a little confused after realizing that on the table in the middle of Harumi's room there were some snacks but not the materials to do the project but she decided not to say anything and sat down on the edge of the Harumi's bed.

"just sit there, I'm going to get something out of my room" Harumi said walking out of her room closing the door and leaving Akita alone.

Not even 2 minutes passed and Akita already was tired of sitting without doing anything so she started wandering around Harumi's room opening all her drawers one by one until she found the drawer where Harumi had put Lloyd's photos. akita took a look at the photos, some were secretly taked and some were taked with his knowledge.

Akita was shocked and disgusted by this but as she looked at the photos she began to feel a presence behind her and before she could turn around Harumi hit her hard on the head with a bat, Akita felt immense pain and began to beg Harumi to stop but harumi didn't stop bodying her until she couldn't hear her stop breathing.

Once Akita was killed Harumi looked around, the floor of her room was completely dirty with Akita's blood, Harumi sighed and left her room carrying Akita's body in her arms, If she could she would have carried Akita's body out of the room making it crawl on the floor but that would only make the floor dirty of blood even more and harumi wanted to prevent this from happening.

Harumi quickly hid akita's body in her basement and then returned to her room and began cleaning akita's blood from the floor. after finishing cleaning harumi got up and took a short break and then went to change the blood stained clothes she had on with clean ones.

After finishing everything, Harumi took a bag of chips from her small table, opened it and started eating.

Lloyd had nothing to do so he decided to call Harumi unaware of what she had done a short time ago. harumi heard her phone ring and as soon as she realized it was lloyd calling she rushed to answer.

"Hi Rumi, how are you?" Lloyd asked from the phone. "mmh.. I'm bored.." Harumi said in a low tone. lloyd looked at the time on his watch, it was 6:45 and his parents weren't there because they were working all day so he could do whatever he wanted.

"Is it okay if I come to your house? If I'm not wrong, a few days ago you told me that your parents went on holiday" Lloyd said. "yes! you can come!" Harumi exclaimed in pure happiness.

-time skip-

Lloyd arrived at Harumi's door and knocked, Harumi immediately went to open it for him. "Hi Lloyd!" Harumi said happily. "hi rumi.." Lloyd said looking at Harumi shyly with a small sweet smile.

harumi walked up to lloyd and quickly kissed him on the cheek "are you okay?" Harumi asked after kissing Lloyd. lloyd turned redder than a tomato and stood still for a second. "Yes I'm fine, what about you?" Lloyd asked, returning to himself. "well.. before I wasn't very good.. but since you arrived I feel like I'm in heaven~" Harumi said and before Lloyd could respond she kissed him.

Hey guys! I honestly believe that this is our longest story so far, Claudia and I wrote this together, in reality at the beginning the story was supposed to be written only by Claudia but I was obsessed with the fact that we had to write Akita's death (i don't like akita)... so we wrote half her and half me.

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