Chapter 4: Briefing

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Washington DC, USA

The Academy of Espionage


1220 Hours

CRASH!.... was the sound I heard as the door to the door came smashing down. I was barley even able to register anything that was happening before a large object came barreling at me. I tried to doge whatever this was, but it was too fast. Before I knew it, I was 2 feet of the ground hanging by my collar with an angry Cyrus staring me dead in my eyes. At these moments, my soul left my body. I could hear him huffing, his hot breath on my neck. "What... were... you... doing!" Cyrus said as slowly and as menacingly as possible. "" I was at a loss of words, to terrified to speak. "Answer me, or else I will tear your limbs off. Piece... by... piece" Cyrus said, banging me against the wall. "I...uh..." "HEY! Break it up!" For once, the Idiot did something useful. The Idiot ran into the room or tried to at least. It was more of a slow jog. 

"We don't want another death on our hands" the Idiot said as he tried to pry Cyrus off of me. Obviously, Cyrus was stronger and just back handed him across the room. His face had a huge red streak across his face. "Cyrus! You know I'll call security." Cyrus didn't even flinch, he just stared at me with hatred in his eyes. "One last chance and don't lie. Tell me what you were about to do to Erica." I was panicking now, breaking into a full sweat. "I... uh... was about to... uh...-" Think fast, think fast! I thought to myself; I knew I only had about 1 more second until Cyrus went ballistic. Then I got it. "-check for lice?" I said unconfidently. "I warned you!" Cyrus said, seeming to charge up for something.  "It's true!" I heard Erica yelp from behind Cyrus, just before I got punched. "Yeah, we were about to play Uno when Ben thought he spotted lice in Erica's hair" Zoe chimed in. I heard a grunt of anger before he threw me to the ground. It felt as if he kicked me in the stomach though when I hit the ground. All the air was knocked out of me as Cyrus walked away and huffed "Meet me and this Idiot in his office." The Idiot walked away slowly in shame, seeing as he got wiped out in a single blow in front of us.

I finally let out a sigh of relief as I picked myself up and walked over to Erica. "Thanks guys" I groaned as I fell back over next to Erica. "I guess we should get ready then" Mike said, looking glum he didn't get to see us kiss. "I hope this will be exciting!" Zoe squealed. I don't know why she always loved these missions though; we almost die in everyone. "Well then, ready to go" I said looking down at Erica. "Um... yeah" Erica said, looking embarrassed. "Hey, it's fine. I knew Cyrus would act like that" I said as I picked her up and placed her in her wheelchair. "Bye" I called out to Mike and Zoe as they got ready. I walked over to our dorm and sat down on my bed. "You can change first" I said offering the bathroom. "Ben, we don't have time to take turns! Just change looking away from me!" Erica said exasperated from the day. "Okay, fine. I was just giving you your privacy" I said as I walked to the other side of the room. I opened my drawers and took out my dark pants and shirt that Erica got me when we got together. I took off my clothes and put on my new ones. They felt amazing! They were so soft and comfy that I forgot that Erica was even in the room. And that's why I turned bright red when I turned around to see the exposed back of Erica across the room. I turned around as quickly as I could and hoped she didn't somehow see me.

"Are you done" I asked across the room a bit later. "Yeah, you can turn around now." I turned around and she was beautiful. Her outfit was tight on her, and the dark attire complemented her hair. She was perfect, once again. "Ben, we don't have time to stare. Come on." "Oh, sorry" I said sheepishly as I went to pick her up. "I should stay in the chair though, after what happened with Cyrus." "Oh, yeah" I said again being embarrassed. Erica giggled, "Stop that Ben, it's fine. I know I look good in this" she said trying to cheer me up. I just laughed. "You sure do" I said as I wheeled her out and locked the dorm.

We arrived in the Idiot's shack, later than everyone of course with Mike and Zoe already there. Cyrus sat at his desk though, with the Idiot standing shyly in the corner. "Your late" Cyrus said grimly. "Let's just get into the mission!" Zoe said. "Well, as Zoe has seemed to already have figured out, you agents will be going on a mission. Here" he said handing us each a folder with "Project Dirty Walet" printed in bold on the front. "Wha-" "Just read the files" Cyrus said in a disappointed tone. He seemed to be as tired of the bad names as I was. I opened it along with everyone, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was; and was disappointed. There were some audio files containing two thugs talking about a sort of algorithm, just as I feared.

The Tape

///...."What!? It's happening next week! let's hope this algorithm gets finished soon." "Shh! Get off the line! We don't want the CIA on our tail!" "Oh, sorry. See you in London." "God dammit! STOP!" ....///

End Tape

"Wait, we're going to London!" Erica said excitedly. "Yeah, your mission is to figure out what SPYDER's new algorithm does and put a stop to it" Cyrus said. "Well then, who's is in our crew besides for us?" Zoe asked, still looking in her file. "Alexander should be with you, I would go but I have business to attend with the Director." "Really, Alexander?" I said in disbelief. "I know, but we can't trust anyone else here now-a-days." "So when do we leave?" Mike asked. "0200 Hours on the dot. Don't be LATE!" Cyrus said, looking right at me. "Pack for a week trip. Meeting dismissed." "Hey, shouldn't I dismiss the meeting!" the Idiot said, finally speaking up from out of the corner. Cyrus just glared at him and walked away. "You should really redecorate" Cyrus said while exiting, pointing out the toilet paper. "Oh, and Ripley. You better keep your hands clean" he said, finally vanishing across the corner. Mike looked at me and bumped my shoulder. The Idiot just put his face in his hands and just let out another sad sigh.

I wheeled Erica to our dorm and started packing. "Ben, don't forget your smoke pellets." "I know, I know. Don't forget your bra of unlimited storage." "Oh shut up Ben." I ended up packing 4 casual shirts and pants and 2 spy outfits. I even was able to fit my training gun within the secure section of my suitcase. It was about 10 O'clock when we finished packing and we both just wanted to relax after the day. "Ahh, that took a while. What do you want to do now" I said smirking. She just smiled back and shrugged. "I don't know, what about you?" "Do you wanna...... cuddle?" I said slyly, knowing the answer already. "Alllrright...let me just make a quick call" she said suggestively. 

It seemed like hours that she was in the bathroom, it was only 3 minutes and 26 seconds though. I turned around and plopped in the bed when I saw Erica laying down next to me. "" I said confused. "My legs may not work, but I can still move around" she said wrapping her arms around my chest. "Oooh, I know you can" I said snuggling up closer to her. We talked back and forth, slowly getting closer and closer to sleep until we pass out, entangled in each others arms.

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