Chapter 11: Reconnection

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???? Hours

Ben's POV

Bright lights. Bright lights were everywhere. They flooded the almost pale white room I was in. I  heard a steady beeping sound coming from beside me. My leg hurt like hell; of course I was the one to get hurt, I always do. When I finally was able to see, I noticed I was in a hospital room. It explained the beeping from the heart monitor, displaying a heart rate of 128bpm. Everything hurt, I wanted to go back to sleep, but found it almost impossible with the ramble of the TV on the wall. I was about to forget about it and just turn it off when I noticed it was covering what happened last night. Apparently,  law enforcement was checking out the building we were out last night, seeing as it has blown up. After watching the situation for a tad bit longer, I turned it off and went back to bed.


I woke back up again, still feeling like shit, but a bit better overall. My leg had deep holes all around my calf, with dried blood latching onto it. I wanted to call Erica, but I forgot my phone at the hotel. It was incredibly boring, but then I noticed a table tray to the left of my bed. It had some blueberry muffins that looked handmade and a card on it with a small tea cup on the side. They looked delicious and smelled even better. I just then realized how hungry I am, not have eaten since, well, I guess saturday. I chowed down on those muffins until I was stuffed, sipping the tea in-between bites. When I finished, I opened up the card, which said "get well soon" on the outside. The inside read-

/We hope you get well soon Ben. We all can't wait to see you! Were coming at 3. Stay safe until then ❤ Catherine./

/Hope you get better man. It's way better with you here, trust me. Get well soon, Mike./

/I'm really sorry about what happened to you. I hope you're feeling better. We all miss you, Zoe/

They were all very nice and heartfelt messages, but I was confused where Erica's was. Then I noticed in the corner of the card in very small font, it said-

/Right next to you❤/

I suddenly turned to my left to see Erica sitting in a brand new wheelchair right next to me. She wasn't wearing her usual all black spy outfit, she was wearing a nice knitwear shirt with a skirt, it was a bit unusual but i didn't mention it. "Woah, how'd you get in here!" I said startled, raising my bpm to 138. "Through the door silly" Erica said in a playful way. "Oh, yeah. What time is it, I thought yall were coming at 3" I said relaxing. "Oh, I thought I should come a bit early, have some alone time with you" she said getting herself into my hospital bed. When she got in the bed though, she started shifting around nervously. "Hey Ben, I'm sorry about what happened to your leg, and I'm sorry for letting you get kidnapped in the first place. I should've been able to protect you" she said slightly tearing up, curling closer up on me. I felt horrible, knowing that I wasn't even kidnapped. "It's ok Erica, it wasn't your fault, it's amazing you found out where I was at all" I said trying to comfort her. "I know," she said wiping her eyes, "but I'm supposed to always be there for you" she said throwing her arms over me and digging her head into my shoulder. "What if I wasn't able to get to you again, what if I couldn't find you" she said with a muffled, stuffy voice. "Shhhh, it's okay. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere now, that's what's important" I said in soft whisper while running my hand through her soft, raven hair. Her gunpowder and lavender scent lofted through the air as I sat there, comforting her. Erica slowly lifted her head after a while and looked into my eyes. "This is why I love you Ben" she said, wiping away her tears once again and slowly putting her face right in front of mine.

We looked into each others eyes for what seemed like forever, while her hot breath was hitting my face. She finally drew in closer, and so did I. When our lips touched at last, I got a huge fuzzy feeling inside. It was like Erica warmed up everything around me in this cold room. The exact opposite of her old Ice Queen self. She was so passionate, she moved on top of me after a little while. It hurt my leg, but I didn't care, I embraced her in my arms as we continued kissing. She wrapped her hands against the back of my head as she started rubbing her body against my leg. I froze up for a second before relaxing back again. The room felt really hot now and I started sweating a bit. We've been kissing for 5 minutes and 32 seconds now, and it felt so good. Her lips tasted like freshly picked strawberries and her body felt amazing rubbing against me. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps from down the hall. Just then, I remembered the time. It's 3:10, I guess we got caught in the moment. Erica noticed them to and carefully got down from the bed and into her wheelchair. "That was close" I slyly mouthed to her right before the others opened the door.

 "Heyyy Ben, we're here!!! Sorry we're a tad bit late, we had some problems with the front desk" Catherine said enthusiastically. "Oh, that's alright" I said still a bit stiff from what just happened. "What's up Ben! It's been a hot sec hasn't it" Mike said, giving me a high five. "Hi Ben, did you get here before us" Zoe said, stopping misstatement to address the Erica. "I just wheeled past the desk" Erica said nonchalantly. Zoe eyed Erica for a second before going back to me. "What have you been up to Ben." "Nothing much, I've just been resting here for awhile. Oh, and thank you for the muffins Catherine." "No problem, I hope you enjoyed them" she said while ruffling my hair. I then realized that the others were also all wearing new clothes. "What happened to your guy's clothes." "Oh, we went clothes shopping after the little incident last night, everyone's clothes were burned, we got some for you to but we left them at the hotel" Catherine said. "Oh, thank you" I said, happy to hopefully get out of these hospital gowns soon. "How's your leg feel man" Mike said looking at the blood stained holes. "I honestly don't know, I haven't seen a do-Pardon me" I said before I got interrupted by someone from behind the group.

Mike and Zoe moved out of the way to reveal a man in a white coat with glasses. "Hello Ben, sorry if we I was a bit late, we didn't know you were awake yet" The doctor said. His name tag said his name was David Tamory. "Your heart rate was at an increased rate like it was healing while you were asleep, sorry for the inconvenience. Now, lets get started with the exam. You guys shall sit in those chairs over there if you want" he said addressing the group. "Now let's see Ben. You got trapped by a beartrap on the right leg, is this correct." "Yeah" I said, slightly groaning from the pain. I wasn't paying attention to it earlier, but now that all the focus is on my leg, I'm really starting to feel the pain. "How did this happen?" "We were playing tag in the woods when I stepped in the trap" I said, making an excuse off the top of my head. "Hmm, I see. Luckily, the trap didn't damage any major nerves, but your leg is broken and your muscles were punctured. It's probably going to take 3 months to just heal the bone, your muscles are a different story. They will heal into 2 weeks, but the scars will be permanent and you will have small leg spasms for possibly the rest of your life." I just sat there stunned. I didn't know what to say. "We'll need to put a cast on your leg immediately and you need hospital stay for at least 2 weeks" the doctor said. "Well that's not happening" I thought to myself. "When will I get the cast?" I asked him before he left. "We'll be ready in about 30 minutes." And just like that, Mr. Tamory was gone. I looked around at everyone and asked, "Am I actually going to stay here?" Catherine looked at me and sighed, "While it is against my better judgment, you are a crucial part to the mission. So yes, after you get your cast, we'll have to sneak you out." Wait a minute, I just noticed something. "Where's Alexander?" Erica rolled her eyes and said "Alexander is still sleeping, like always. He's also a bit mad about last night, you can ask him when we get back, he goes on a whole rant anytime we talk to him about it." 


"There we go, you're all done. Now were going to keep you here for a while, but I'm sure you'll heal fast, most kids do. Also take these crutches, when you get better you can use these to walk." Tamory said before he left. We waited a few minutes before getting ready to make it to the car. 'Umm, how am I going to get out of here?" I asked, just now thinking about it. "You'll see" Zoe said right before.......

And I'm going to end it off here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if this one took a bit longer than usual. I got caught up with stuff yesterday and had some writers block. But now I'm back and ready for business. I went to the mountains last week and it was pretty cool. But enough about me, thank you guy's for voting and reading my book. It really means a lot to me, and like always, have a great day 😁.

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