Chapter 8: Dammit Murray

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Ben's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and bruising around my neck. I looked around to realize I was in a cell, again.  Suddenly, the cell door opened with a loud buzzing sound and Murray walked in. "Good morning Ben, nice to see you finally awake." "Ah, Murray, why would you do that. Erica and the team are going to be looking for me." "I know, that was the whole plan. You see, I can't have your team finding out our real base. So until they find this one, they'll be distracted, and you can work without needing to go anywhere." I looked at him, feeling stupid for letting this happen. "You didn't have to do this Murray." "Well, I did and we are both here now so deal with it. Follow me."

I was angry, just followed Murray out the door. If he didn't have the cure dangling over my head, I would bust him up faster than he could gulp down a Mcdouble. As I walked and rubbed my neck, I noticed that we were walking through a bunch of cubicles. "What is this place" I said to Murray ahead of me. "It used to be a sales department, now it's an abandoned building that is perfect for kidnappings." "So did you just install the cell yourself or was it already there." "Oh, it was already there, that's why this place shut down in the first place. If anyone didn't sell 100 things a day, they got locked there overnight." "Jeeze, that's harsh." "Yeah, well here we are. Your new home for the next couple days hopefully." Murray said under his breath, hoping Erica couldn't figure out where we are that quickly. Murray then opened a door to a small room with a janky old computer, a beanbag, a bathroom, and the tall man from the Diner. "If you make good progress, I'll add in a TV." "Why thank you Murray, what could I do without you" I said sarcastically. "Do you know how many strings I had to pull to not get you killed earlier, shut it and get going on that algorithm." "Alright" I said as I sat down. Murray slammed the door as he left, and I started on the program. The computer was really old and slow, so it was hard to navigate. When I finally started on the program, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I could just feel the large man's eyes staring at the back of my neck. I had a feeling that he wanted to snap it.

Mike's POV

"Wait, let me get this straight. You fell asleep with Ben in your bed, and when you woke up, he was gone with his phone still on the counter" I said in disbelief. I know Ben would never leave by himself, especially after he got hit by that shrapnel. "Yeah, I mean no. He was in the other bed you freak. Now let's stop talking about it and let's go find Ben" Erica said seriously. "Shouldn't we wake up Alexander first. I mean, he is the best spy in the force." Erica just groaned at the sound of this. "Just come on, I think we'll manage" Erica said with an over it tone, tired of everyone thinking Alexander was the best. "Where are we going to go though, we can't just walk onto the street and expect to find Ben" I said confused. Erica then got a real smug look on her face. "We're going to meet the real best spy in the force."


"So, why are we meeting here again" I said to Erica, exasperated from wheeling her around for an hour in the hot sun. "Like I said, were here to meet the real best spy." "Yeah, but why would we be meeting the world's best spy in a tea caffe" Zoe said, equally exasperated. Suddenly, a good-looking woman wearing a nice sunhat started waving crazily at us with a big smile, beckoning us to come over. "Here we go, come on" Erica said, oddly cheerful despite Ben being gone. "Oh hello Erica, how are you doing today. I've got some juicy info for you" Catherine said while sipping on some tea. "That's great, we haven't been ab-" "Wait a minute, sorry for interrupting but who are you" I said, really lost. Erica side armed me but still answered my question. "Ugh, Mike and Zoe, Catherine. Catherine, Mike and Zoe. There, better now" Erica huffed. "I guess" I said, still hurting. "Now, as I was saying, we haven't been able to find much from the leaked radio recording." "Well then you're lucky you have your mom. After a bit of digging, I have happened to find records of several pounds of C4, and some snipers being delivered to the old sales building on 20th Hendricks St from an arms dealer." "Well, that's good, great even, there's just one little problem" Erica said, wincing. "What is it" Catherine said, still calmly sipping from her tea. "Ben might have been kidnapped."

Catherine almost spit out her tea when she heard this, almost. "WHAT!" "Umm, yeah. We need your help in finding him" Zoe said. "Well then, that really does put a wrench in your plans. Let's first check out the sales building before anything else. For all we know, that's where he is being stored." "Alright, we'll stake out the place and break in at 2100 Hours. Let's meet up one block down at 7:00. Oh, and thank you mom." "No problem, see you soon honey. Stay safe and don't get captured." "I won't, love you." "Love you too!" Catherine said as we exited the caffe. "Did Erica just say she loved someone, that's a first" I said under my breath to Zoe. "I know, she doesn't even say it to her own dad" Zoe responded a bit louder than she should of. "I can hear you guys" Erica said in a annoyed tone. "Let's just focus on getting Ben back, when we get back to the hotel you can explain where we were to Alexander while I do some more research on sale records. And make sure he doesn't schedule any plans for today, got it." "Yes Mam" I said sarcastically, before getting punched in the leg.

Ben's POV

I looked at the monitor and was actually kind of proud of the progress I had made, until I realized that this was all for the enemy. I stood up from my chair and fell into the bean bag, exhausted from all the coding. I already was too inexperienced to code, needing to teach myself almost everything, but this new deadline really was wearing me down. I just sat there, devoid of any thought, trying to avoid thinking of Erica. I couldn't do that for long though, there was really no way to avoid it sadly. "Is this worth it" I thought to myself. "Is it worth it. Erica seems happy and she still is one of the best spies in the force." Yet I still couldn't even think about quitting. Even after me and Erica talked, I still feel bad about the whole thing. "There isn't a way for her to get better if I don't do this" I had to keep telling myself as I worked. I still sat there, sinking into the beanbag hoping these thoughts would go away and that I could work like a mindless robot, but I can't. 

Suddenly I heard "Get back to work" from the tall man in the corner. His voice was scruffy and deep, it sounded really messed up too. I haven't really gotten a good look at his face yet, just being able to see his scars. They were deep, with a lot being small holes and others being long slashes. I almost wanted to get up and peak under his hat, to see what he was hiding. But his voice was too menacing, I didn't feel like risking it today. So I got up and walked back to the computer, ready for another couple hour grind, hoping Murray will come back with that TV he promised.

Catherine's POV

I looked down at my watch, noticing I only had a little bit of time left before I had to get going. I poured my tea into a teacup and sipped it as I looked out from my balcony. It really was a beautiful city, full of wonderful lights and nice buildings. I finished my tea and walked downstairs to the apartments lobby. Even after I have spent years in MI6, I could still only afford to rent out a small apartment. I caught the trolly over to Kings St where I waited for Erica. Though I didn't really wait for her, I knew she was hiding somewhere in the shadows, waiting for me. "Ahh, well hello Erica. Are you guys ready for a good old-fashioned stake out!?" I said in a chipper voice, looking towards one of the corners where Erica was hiding in.

I hope you liked this one! I tried to have a couple different POV's in here to make it a bit more diverse. Not a lot to really say here except you guys are really awesome and I am so thankful to have yall. Like I said, hope yall liked this chapter and I hope yall have a good day! 😁

P.S. Check out: Spy School Guilty or Not? by agentincover

P.S.S. Edited time from 3 to 7 because I goofed, lol

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