Chapter 12: Truth or Dare pt.2

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A Hospital


1600 Hours

...Zoe said right before throwing something at the wall. "Run!" she yelled. I looked at her blankly. "Oh, and help Ben" she said before running. Catherine and Mike helped me stand up with my crutches when a ton of smoke started spewing out of the device. "What's smoke going to do?" I thought as we started making our way down the hall as fast as we could. Suddenly, water started spraying from the ceiling and alarms started blaring. "Fire! Fire!" Zoe started yelling from ahead of us. "Really, this was our plan. So discrete" Erica said from beside me. People started rushing to where the smoke was, trying to put out the non-existent fire. Zoe slowed down a bit so that we could catch up, "Did you have any other better ideas" she asked. Erica didn't reply and just glared at her.

By the time we got out of there, we were soaked and I was out of breath. "Thanks guys." "No problem, we couldn't just let you heal there" Mike chuckled. I started to crutch my way over to the car when I realized I don't know what it looks like. "Wait, where is the car?" "Oh, not a car darling, how could we fit everybody. I got us a minivan" she said pointing at the beige behemoth. It looked like something a middle-aged mom with 20 kids would drive.

Once we got back to the hotel, we all decided to take a break. "It was a pleasure meeting everyone here, but I'm afraid I have to go now. You know how to reach me if you need" she said before she left. "We don't know?" Mike said a bit confused, he wanted to ask more but she disappeared like Erica does. "Now I know where Erica gets it from" he said sitting down on my bed. "I have an idea since not everybody is ready to work, what if we played a quick game. Who wants to play truth or dare?" She said excitedly. "Why is it always truth or dare with you, why not any other game?" I asked, yawning afterwards. "Because all the other ones are boring, and we don't have any board games to play." "Sure, I'll play" Mike said, trying to pick the lock on the minifridge. "Why not" I said with a sigh, "Erica?" I saw her slightly shift in her wheelchair when I said that. Last time we did play I got slammed into a wall, so I understood. "Hey, you don't have too if you don't want too" I said. "No, it's fine. I'll play." "Great! I finally got this open" Mike said cracking open a coke from the minifridge. "Does anyone want something?" "I'll have a coke too" I said as I maneuvered myself onto the bed without hurting myself. "I'm good" both Erica and Zoe said. Mike handed me my coke and hopped onto the bed when we finally started the game.

"Let's get started, truth or dare Ben?" Zoe asked me. I wanted to say dare, but I couldn't really do anything in my state. "Truth." "Scaredy cat!" Zoe said before asking me "What's your darkest secret?" I sweat immediately started forming on my forehead.  No one knows this, not even Erica. I thought about lying, but there was nothing I could think of. "Um... I'm discord moderator for a Tohru Honda server" I said in a quiet and embarrassed voice. "I...uh...made it when I was 10." Everyone just stared at me in a blank, and confused way. "Who the hell even is that" Zoe asked, not disgusted, but slightly weirded out. I was about to say something when Mike intervened and said, "You don't want to know!" To be fair, he was also an admin in the server, so he most likely said that so I wouldn't mention him. "Anyway, let's move on from that pleasssssssse. Truth or dare Erica." She looked up at me and slightly smiled, not enough for the others to notice but just for me. She was happy the others weren't asking her for any crazy dares.

"Truth." "BOOOO, where's the action" Zoe pouted on the bed. "Oh settle down, after two truths you have to do a dare anyways" I said to Zoe. "Anyway, Erica, has Alexander done anything good?" She looked annoyed that she had to say something positive about her own father but she still said "He taught me how to fly a plane, that's about it, he's a horrible spy." "What are you talking about, Alexander is one of the best spies out there" both Mike and Zoe said, not knowing the truth about Alexander. "He's not, and truth or dare Mike" Erica said, annoyed that they don't know about Alexander. "Dare, I'm not a wuss like Ben over here" Mike said, smiling at me. "He really does get on my nerves sometimes" I think to myself when Erica starts to declare the dare.

"I dare you to let Zoe go through the entirety of your phone including your search history" Erica said with a huge smirk on her face. Mike looked like he was just told by Jigsaw to cut his foot off, his face was filled with dread. "Can I switch to truth?" Mike asked hoping she'd say yes. "No can do, two truths means the next one has to be a dare" Zoe said looking at Mike. "" Mike said, reluctantly giving Zoe his unlocked phone. "Let's see what we have here" Zoe said in a playful manner, picking on Mike. "Hmm, nothing much in his photos besides for this" she said showing us a picture of Mike at some gaming convention, posing with a Master Chief cosplayer. "When did you have the time to sneak out, you've been here for like a month?" I said looking at Mike, secretly mouthing to him "Why didn't you take me along?" He just shrugged and said "I get around." "Let's see what else we've got here" Zoe said taking the phone back. Zoe was looking through when she was suddenly taken back. "Mike, what the HELL! You too" she said showing us that in his search history is Tohru Honda-images and Tohru Honda fandom-Discord. "DAMN, EXPOSED!" I said trying to get under Mike's skin. "Oh shut up Ben, your a mod on the server." "Alright, that was something" Zoe said trying to get away from the subject. "Now let's see..... oh here we go" she said showing us Portable Shower for trips, shower stick, and road trip shower on his search history. "What, last time we went on duty we weren't able to get a shower for the entire time." "True that, I was in the shower for hours when I got back." "Well, that was about all the embarrassing stuff on his phone, surprisingly not much" Zoe said giving the phone back to Mike. As soon as she did Mike cleared his entire search history and sighed. I raised my eyebrow at him a bit but didn't say anything.

"Ok then, dare or dare Ben." "What, what about truth." "Hey, if I had to let Zoe go through my search history, you're getting a dare." "Fine, I guess I pick dare." "Great choice, I dare you to throw away your crutches" Mike said with a smug look on his face. "Bro" is all I could say in this situation, so I made sure to stare him directly in the eyes. Mike just continued to look at me like he wasn't going to give in. I tried my hardest to give him a death stare just like Erica, but to no avail, so I eventually gave up. "Here, you happy" I said throwing my crutches across the room, impossible for me to reach them. "Very" he said plainly, smirking at me.

"Truth or dare Zoe" I said finally getting annoyed with this game. "Dare, like I said, I want some action." "Ok, whatever you say. I dare you to complete your dare from last time, make Mike complete his, and to dye your hair orange." "WHAT! That's three dares!" "No, I'm just making sure you complete the old dares, we never actually saw you do them." "Oh screw off!" "This game was your idea!" I vouched. "Fine, but how will I get the hair dye." "I don't know, get it on tomorrows outing." "And what about the other dares?" she said slightly annoyed. "We'll watch you sleep together tonight and Mike will sing tomorrow at our lunch spot." "Sure, whatever. Truth or dare Erica."

"Dare" Erica said with a face of wavering confidence. I could tell that Zoe sensed this so she said, "I dare you to make out with Ben!" Zoe's face was smirking, deviously. I know that's probably the whole reason she started this game, she wanted to see us kiss. "Zoe!" Erica said frustrated. "What, I'm having to dye my hair to look like a Cheeto! The least you can do is kiss Ben, you want to do it anyway." Right after Zoe said this, I could see something about snap in Erica. I could tell she was trying as hard as she could not to beat Zoe up. "Oh Zoe, come on." "A dare's a dare" she said just turning her head. "Fine" Erica said abruptly. "W-what" Zoe said startled, not expecting Erica to actually go through with it. "I said I'll do it!" Erica said, raising her voice. Erica got herself onto the Bed and slowly started to get closer. Once she got close enough I said "You don't have to do this for them if you don't want to" I said trying to make her feel better. She just looked me in the eyes and pulled my collar so that are lips were touching. It wasn't deep or tender, but I could tell she was really stressed out. She kissed me for a solid 13 seconds when something happened. "SHIT! MIKE, GET ALEXANDER!" I said watching Erica start spasming on the floor.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I'm not the best with chapters like this, that's why it took me a while but I hope it was still good. It means a lot to me that yall read my books and like them so thank yall so much for that. And without further ado, have a good day 😁.

P.S. I am leaving on another weeklong camping trip this saturday. I'll try to release a chapter before then but I don't know

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