Chapter 7: Guess Who

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A Back Alley


1900 Hours

"Oh, is this that Ben boy you've been telling me all about? She talks about you all the time." she said pleasantly. "Hey!" Erica said embarrassed even though we are together. "Oh, where are my manners. Hi, I'm Catherine, Erica's mom." I almost gasped in surprise, I don't know why I never thought of Erica having a mother, but she did. "So darling, what is this meeting about" Catherine asked Erica. "SPYDER is creating some sort of algorithm that goes live this week, we would be pleased if you could help us track them down" Erica said, sounding more British than usual. "Why not, do you have any other information." "Nope" "I said. " This might be tricky. Here's my number-" she said handing me what looked like a business card. "-and call me if you need anything. I'll be off trying to find out more information. Meet me at the local tea caffe tomorrow at 12." "Will do" I said way to quickly as I seemed to be warming up to Catherine. And just like that, she vanished into the dark. 

"Why haven't you ever told me you had a mom before?" I asked Erica on the way back. "You never asked" Erica said plainly. I think to myself "really" but didn't say it allowed. As we walked back that strange feeling came back over me again. Still, something didn't feel right. I wanted to brush it off, but it has continually gotten more and more disturbing. I started to put some more thought into it when we arrived back at the hotel. "What time do you think they are getting back?" I asked as I helped Erica up the stairs, my chest still burning. "In about an hour I'm guessing, they have had a stressful day." "Really, I almost died" I said sarcastically. "Whatever, let's just get back into the room." As I walked back in, I knew I was in for a snooze fest. "Alright, we now have to go back to checking out the audio." "Oh, come on, that's so boring" I said. "Then what else do you suggest we do, you could barely walk to the alley." "I don't know, I could still investigate out there, I'm not that defenseless." "Ben, we have direct orders to stay here" Erica said firmly, even though we just left. "Has that ever stopped you before, we just went out anyways" I said trying to convince her. Erica sat there for a moment, looking like she was deep in thought. Erica then went back on to eyeing the computer and said "We don't have any leads yet. If you can come up with an idea for what this algorithm is being used for, then we'll leave, but until then, we have to stay here. And my mom's different, she's directly helping us." I huffed as I threw myself onto the bed, again making the mistaking of landing on my chest. I decided that since I wasn't going to reveal anything about the algorithm that I might as well take a nap.

As I sat there to the sounds of clacking on the keyboard, it finally hit me. What's been nagging at me this whole time. "Why would SPYDER have tried to blow me up" I said in my head. It didn't make sense; I was helping them finish the algorithm. I had to figure this out, the only problem is when. And then something else hit me, I'm in London! How will SPYDER contact me now? I started to go to sleep with more questions than answers, hoping to find them out later. As I drifted off to the musical noise of Erica's keyboard, I hoped that after all of this was over, she would be okay.


"Ben! Wake your ass up!" I heard from a startling noise in my ear. "If you don't answer now, the boss will be mad!" "What" I said barley awake. "Finally, I've been trying to reach you for bloody ages, now get your ass down to the Denny's." "Huh?" I said still being confused. "Ugh, go down 20th street, NOW!" Murray barked. "Umm, got it" I said barley being able to keep my eyes open. It took me a solid 20 seconds for me to finally understand what just happened. "Oh, shiiiit" I said slowly, now realizing how late I am. Murray usually calls at 11 O'clock, but it was now 12 in the morning, and to top it all off, Erica was fully wrapped around me. She must of went to sleep in my bed when the rest of the gang back home. She used to never sleep oddly enough, "whatever don't get distracted" I told myself. I slowly lifted Erica's arms off of me and slowly backed away, being careful not to wake her up. It took me a while to get her fully off of me, but when I did, I scurried out of there faster than a mouse running from a cat. It took me only a minute to get to the Denny's.

I was completely out of breath as I walked in, huffing threw the door. "Hello young sir, how may I help you" an old woman said coming up to me. "Umm, I'm with them" I said spotting out a chubby figure stuffing handfuls of bacon into his mouth. "Oh, umm, okay, I'll be right with you then honey" she said surprised after looking at how much of a slob Murray was. I walked over to the table and sat down. "What...took long" Murray said in between bites. "Uhh" I said, being distracted by the large mysterious man in the seat next to Murray. "Umm, hello, Ben!" Murray said frustrated at me. "Umm, I don't know, maybe it's because I got shot at Murray, in a helicopter, and maybe shrapnel got logged in my side." "Geeze man, just asking. Now tell me, what are you doing here" Murray said with a menacing tone. "The CIA caught wind of your plan when some of your radio waves got leaked, so they sent me and my team" I said. "Oh" Murray said, thinking something else happened. "Well, in any case, you and your team need to leave now. Where you can continue working remotely from DC." "Um, Murray, I can't just tell my team that we are leaving" I said staring at him, wondering what he thought was going to happen. "And why is that" Murray said getting even more frustrated. "Because I'm not the boss, I'm literally 13  Murray" I said, marvelling at his ignorance. 

Hello sir, what would you like to order" the waitress said, startling me. "Ur, um, could I get some eggs." "Sure sweetie, anything else for you two then." "A slice of toast" the man in a dark coat grumbled. "Okie dokie, I'll get that to yall." Murray waited a second before he continued talking.  "Ben, we had a deal" Murray said. "I know, but you can't expect me to get everyone to go back to America." Murray finally seemed to give up, until  he snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the large man stood up and grabbed me by the neck. "What the Hell Murray" I said with some of my last breaths. The last thing I saw was a ugly scared face staring me dead in the eyes, smiling at me as he watches my breathing stop.

Hello Guys!!! Thank you for all the support. I really mean it and that's why I am sorry I was gone for so long. I had testing and then I got locked out and things were kind of just crazy for me the past month but I finally have everything under control. So sorry if this chapter is not like 2000 words because of how long I've had, but I was locked out for a while so, sorry. I hoped you like it though and I am finally going to be able to get back on my once a week schedule. Thank yall so much and have a good day. 😀

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