Chapter 9: Into The Dark

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20th Hendricks St 


2100 Hours

Catherine's POV

"Well this is boring" Mike said staring off into the distance. It's been about 2 hours since we got here and there is still no signs of anything. "Oh come on, I'm sure there be something eventually. Stakeouts sometimes take a while" I said trying to be hopeful. We sat in silence for a little bit longer before Zoe said "Why does Ben get to do all the fun stuff! I'm sitting watching a building while he is getting kidnapped! Even on the last trip he got kidnapped more than me! Unfair!" "Shhhhh, we're supposed to be on a stakeout not a cookout, we need to be quiet" Erica said a bit disturbed. I haven't looked at Erica in a while, but whenever I did, I noticed her fidgeting nervously. She's been on edge ever since I saw her at the café, I'm not sure if the kiddos have noticed it yet but she definitely is off her game. Ben always makes her like this, she just never shows it this prominently. Now that I am thinking of Ben, I wonder what those two do in their spare time. Erica never usually tells me the juicy stuff. She just usually tells me how pretty his eyes are and how she feels less "Icy" around him. I wonder how I can get Ben to tell me? I could maybe just-"Mom, Mom" Erica said, trying to get my attention without screaming. "What is it honey?" I said looking back towards the building.

Erica's POV

I'm freaking out right now! It's been 2 hours and nothing has happened yet! "Calm down Erica. Everything will be fine. You've dealt with kidnappings before, everything will be okay" I said to myself quietly. It seemed to work but I still couldn't stop fidgeting.  I wonder what Bens doing, he's hopefully g-"Why does Ben get to do all the fun stuff! I'm sitting watching a building while he is getting kidnapped! Even on the last trip he got kidnapped more than me! Unfair!" Zoe spoke so suddenly that it hurt my ears. "Shhhhh, we're supposed to be on a stakeout not a cookout, we need to be quiet." "Whatever" I heard her say under her breath, I didn't really care. All I could think about was Ben. How could he have gotten himself captured, and why not me. Why would they have captured him and not me. "I'm just as essential, do they think I'm weak because I can't walk!" I started thinking, getting agitated. "When I see them I'l-wait what's that" I thought as I looked through my binoculars. There's a truck moving in, I bet it has C4 in it based on how carefully it's driving. "Mom, Mom" I said trying to get her attention. "What is it honey?" my mom said while looking back towards the building. "Someone is over there, look" I said pointing towards the truck that now has people coming out of it. "Oh, hey kiddos, check this out" she said to Zoe and Mike who were fooling around and talking about some nonsense. 

I showed them the truck and then looked back through my binoculars. The guys that got out were now talking to a tall man in a coat and fedora. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I saw the man sign a paper before the guys started unloading boxes. The boxes had weird symbols on them, the most prominent being a small sticker on the corner that I could barely make out to be a weird looking C. After the boxes were brought in, the guys left and the man locked the door with a code. "Alright, we definitely have to go down there now. Ben is definitely there"  Mike said standing up, not trying to be quiet anymore. "Well, we don't know that yet but it does look so" Mom said while also standing up. "Wait, how are we going to get in. We can't just walk in through the front door" Zoe said, still laying on her stomach. "Exactly, that's why we are going underground" I said eyeing a cellar door.


Mike's POV

It took a while for us to get down from the rooftop due to Erica, but we eventually did. We started sneaking through the street before we got up to the side of the building. There was a big, bulky bunker door with a huge chain lock on it. "Well that's great, got on bolt cutters on you" I said looking at Erica.  "No, but I did find some of this as residue near where the trucks were" she said while pulling out some grey putty looking substance out of a zip lock bag. "You should probably stand back" she said while placing some of it on the lock. "Why" I said right before Catherine pulled out a gun. "Because of this!" she said while shooting at the putty, creating a controlled explosion that ripped the door right off, completely destroying the lock. "Mike, it was obviously C4" Zoe said, helping get Erica down the stairs into the cellar. "Oh, yeah" I said embarrassed, rubbing my neck and quieting down. It was almost pitch black everywhere I looked, only a little bit of moonlight illuminated the opening of the cellar, but the rest was darkness. As we made our way through, light footsteps were heard above us. "I wonder where the exit is" I thought after a couple minutes of wandering around in  the dark. "Maybe I should just ask E- SNAP! My entire body was frozen in fear. Suddenly there was a loud deflating sound with subsequent sighs from Erica. "W- what just happened" I said quietly. "I t- think I just rolled over a b- bear trap" Erica said with a slightly wavering tone. I was now insanely scared! I'm in the dark with bear traps on the floor. "I don't think this will be of much use anymore" Erica said trying to wheel herself forward. "Uhh, what should we do Catherine" I said, hoping she could do something. No response. I asked again. Same thing, no one answered. "Umm, Erica, I think we lost Zoe and Catherine" I said. No answer. "Erica" I said a little louder. No answer. "Erica!" I yelled, scared she disappeared too. "Shhhhh!" I heard Erica say from behind me as she pulled me back against a wall. "Listen" she hissed. I went quiet and I heard the same footsteps from above, but they were louder. They suddenly started getting closer and closer until eventually a door opened up, letting some light into the room. It still was very dark, but there was enough to see the man come into the room. He was the same guy that signed for the packages, but he was way bigger in person. 

Suddenly he snickered and closed the door. I then heard a distinctive locking sound as all the light went out again. "Shi-" I started to say before Erica's hand went over mouth and she slammed me down, quietly of course. I kept listening and went quiet like Erica wanted until she hissed in me ear, "Stop talking, come on and help me lock pick this door"  as she crawled over to the general area of where the door was. I was about to crawl along with her until I remember, "We can't just leave the others, we need to get them." "They can fend for themselves, trust me" Erica said as she continued to crawl towards the door . "Fine, but you'll have to crawl to Ben by yourself while I go find our teammates" I said, trying to convince Erica to change her mind. Erica cursed under her breath for a second before saying "Fine, let's do this your way" in a condescending tone.

Hello guy's! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It sets up a lot of fun little things for the next one. In the meantime though I have a little question for yall. Do you guy's like Hazbin Hotel? I've been thinking that once I finish this book I might start a fanfic of it alongside my usual spy school books. It won't interrupt my schedule but I thought it might be a fun little thing to do. Like I said, I hope you liked this chapter. And until next time, have a great day😁!

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