Chapter 3: Truth or Dare

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Washington DC, USA

The Academy of Espionage


1158 Hours

"Are you ready yet?" I called into the bathroom. "One more second" Erica called back. "There, I'm ready." I walked in and stood there stunned. She was gorgeous, wearing a beautiful, short black dress. Even though we were just going over to Mike's dorm, she still looked divine. "Ben, hello?" "Oh, sorry!" I said quickly. Erica giggled another one of her rare giggles; "Ben, it's fine." I picked her up and put her in her wheelchair; Then wheeled her over to Mike's dorm. Knock, Knock "Come on in, its open" I heard on the other side. I opened the door and was a bit surprised. The dorm was really clean since the last time I was here, even the soda cans were cleaned off his desk. Zoe was already here and was playing a game of Uno with Mike. The TV was on in the background, talking about tension rising between the US and England or something like that.

"Wow, the Ice Queen actually joined us. What did we do to deserve this" Zoe said jokingly. "Don't think to much of it, I was just bored" Erica said transitioning into Ice Queen mode. "So what do you guys want to play?" Mike asked us. "What about Monopoly" I suggested. "That's too long" Mike grumbled. I think he just didn't want to play though because last time, Erica tricked him into trading all his properties for a railway. "Oooh, I have an idea. What about Truth or Dare" Zoe said deviously. "That sounds fun, what about you Ben." "I...uh" I said looking at Erica. She just sighed and mouthed it's fine. "Um...sure" I said sitting down (sitting Erica down also). "Then lets get started. Truth or dare Mike" Zoe said, excited to be playing this game again. She seemed to always be suggesting it when we come over.

"Dare?" Mike said nervously. "I dare you to sing a Miley Cyrus song during lunch today" Zoe said smugly. "Oh come on, you know that I hate those songs." "A dare is a dare, your turn." "Fine Ben, truth or dare." "Truth." "Who's your crush?" Mike said, seeming to rub his hands together evilly. "I choose dare actually." I know Erica and I are already together, but I didn't want everybody else to know. "I dare you to give me your next turn and TP the Idiot's office." "What?" I said confused. "I want to ask Erica truth or dare, not you." "But-" "A dare is a dare." "Fine" I huffed. I thought Zoe or Erica would have said something, but they both were laughing at the fact of the Idiot's office getting TP'd. I walked out and grabbed some toilet paper from the public bathroom (I'm not wasting my own supply), and went over to the office. Since I blew up the Idiot's old office, he was stationed in a makeshift wooden building (that the Idiot made himself) behind the main office. Luckily the Idiot was out for the time being, he had to sign some paperwork at the CIA headquarters. "Here goes nothing" I said under my breath as I flung toilet paper into the air. Since there was miscellaneous pieces of wood everywhere, the TP stuck to it easily. When I was done, the place looked like my old middle school's bathroom. I was kind of proud of it. "A job well done" I said as I walked back.

"Alright, it's done" I said as I walked back through the door. "Well it's about time" Mike said. "Truth or dare Erica." "Who said I was playing." "Erica, I'll promise you Mike can't dare you to do anything that bad" Zoe said convincingly. "Nope" Erica said stubbornly. "Please" Zoe said, trying to get empathy from her. "Fine" Erica said finally cracking. "So dare?" "Obviously idiot" Erica said annoyed that she agreed. "Sheeeesh, okay. I dare you to sit on Ben's lap for the rest of the game." Erica's face then turned shades of red that I didn't even know existed.  She tried to say something, but she couldn't mutter anything without blowing up in his face. She scooted herself closer to me and I put her on my lap. I also turned red, just with embarrassment instead. "Truth or dare" Erica gritted through her teeth. "Dare" Zoe gulped. Suddenly, all the heat drained out of Erica's face and she became calm. "I dare you to sleep with Mike tonight." "What" Zoe said, looking like a fried computer. "You heard me, sleep in Mike's bed tonight." When she said this Zoe twitched. If I hadn't known any better, I would have said Zoe smirked.  "Truth or dare Mike." "Dare." "I dare you to dare Erica and not Ben next." "Hey, I have barley even gotten a turn!" "The rules are the rules man." "Whatever" I grumbled under my breath. "I dare you to kiss Ben" Mike said slyly. "Don't I get a choice!" Erica shrieked loud enough to burst my eardrums. "The dare was to dare you, not 'truth' you. And since you are playing, you have to do it" Mike said rubbing his ears. Erica once again turned 50 shades of red and turned to me. If Erica wasn't sitting on my lap, she would have mauled Mike by now. But she couldn't really move in her position. She looked around and then pulled in closer. Just as are lips are about to touch, her amazing lips, scented like gunpowder and Lilacs- CRASH!.....

Sorry if this wasn't the best or longest Truth or Dare sequence you've ever seen but I'm not the best at writing staying still and living a normal life type of stuff as you could probably tell. I am (think) pretty good at action and stealth and exposition though, so the book will start moving at a faster pace, trust me. I hope you liked this truth or dare sequence anyway though, and there will be another one in this book so feel free to comment any tips (appropriate) on these types of sections so I can improve. I hope you have a great day and see you next chapter.😁

P.S. Guess what caused the crashing sound and comment it before moving on to the next chapter.

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