Chapter 2: Strategies

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5 weeks earlier: 

King Dante was never fond of his royal advisors. His scarlet eyes traced the figures yelling, pointing fingers, and spewing unintelligent nonsense, ignoring the most powerful person in the room. Dante knew how lowly they thought of him.

"He's too young."

"Not nearly experienced enough."

"He's ruining his mother's legacy."

"Destroying the empire."

Unfortunately, his status required them.

Dante pushed a dark strand of hair from his face, looking over his war room. "Enough."

The advisors continued their quarreling, callously ignoring the King.

Dante slammed his hand on the table, tearing part of the expansive world map. "I SAID ENOUGH!"

Silence filled the room.

Slowly soft rustles of exorbitant fabric as one advisor spoke, "Sire, Epibreren is suicide. They have far too many powerful allies. We'll lose more than we could possibly gain."

Dante glared at the advisor, covered in expensive purple fabric and jewels. There was more wealth in his rings alone than the peasants could ever dream of owning. Venom dripping from his voice, "Why is that advisor? I advise you to remember your place."

"Y-yes sire, I was simply saying that an invasion of Epibreren most likely be an unsuccessful mission."

"Simply. Do you think I'm f*cking stupid? I'm quite aware of their diplomatic relations. But I want to go west, and Epibreren is the first step to power over western influence and trade routes."

Another advisor squawked, "I agree that we need control of the west, but our current military and resources are not strong enough, sire."

"I don't need our entire military for this siege. You useless pieces of sh*t. You spend all day shopping and stomping all over my people, and you can't even do your jobs properly. I have every right to kill each and every one of you in here."

Dante rolled his eyes as the advisors held their heads low. "Pathetic," he thought.

"It's unfortunate I have to inform you, considering keeping me posted on current affairs is supposedly your occupation. The historic Red Dragon Society has been active again after centuries. They are hell-bent on dethroning the royals and restoring the kingdom to its former glory. I suggest we support them; maybe supply some some military aid; work out a contract; that way we both get what we want."

A voice that sounded like a warm summer breeze drifted through the air: "The Red Dragon Society will never agree; they don't just want to dethrone the monarchs; they want to take their place. I'm surprised you forgot that, dear boy; history was a subject you quite excelled at."

Despite being humiliated, Dante cocked a grin at the old man and said, "It's been quite awhile, Salvino."

Salvino was Dante's mentor during his younger years and a dear friend to his mother. Dante loved to hear tales of their childhoods together. Sneaking out after dark, catching frogs in the pond, raiding the local bakery. He tried to imagine his mother before her marriage. A free spirit who loved dancing underneath the stars or how the west wind would rush through her long black hair. In contrast, Salvino was more reserved, preferring his studies more than anything else. Anything except her.

He cursed the day she was promised to the king; his friend was lost forever. The king was a very possessive man but granted her a wedding gift. Salvino was given a royal position on the condition she'd never see him again.

"It's good you've come back to teach me then," Dante said with a small chuckle before giving his mentor a firm handshake.

"I fear my visit is short. I quite enjoy my retirement," Salvino's eyes shone. "I've come to offer you a solution."

"Excellent, that's just what we need!"

"Don't be too hasty; I doubt you will like it."

"Mother always told me you were the brightest person she knew."

The other royal advisors stood shocked by the king's sudden attitude shift. Many didn't recognize the old man. He wore a navy jacket with a badge of honor. His long white hair was tied behind his head, revealing intelligent green eyes. Eyes that looked like they could discover every weakness hiding in your soul. His beard was nicely braided into a simple fashion, not hiding the many wrinkles left by the years.

Salvino smiled at the mention of Queen Emeline, "My boy, you need to stop burning bridges and start building some. Have you considered a diplomatic relationship with Epibreren?"

"What are you suggesting, mentor?"

"The Princess of Epibreren is around your age, and her parents are looking for a political al-."

"No. Absolutely not."

"Listen to reason, boy. It will completely change your area power. It'll give you complete control over your current territory and the kingdom of Epibreren. Access to all its resources. And an influence in western affairs."

Dante slowly backed away from the table, contemplating. "No, I'll find another way; that's a terrible idea. I will never marry anyone, especially not some desperate, spoiled, pathetic, nauseating princess."

"Your majesty, if I may-."

"No, you may not! Get out of here!"

The royal advisors hesitantly walk out the grand mahogany doors. Leaving only Salvino and the king.  Dante fell to the cold stone floor. He looked just like the little boy Salvino knew, he slowly kneeled down to the kings level. The rough floor scratching his labored hands.

"You did this same thing the night your parents left for a council. Your father promised it'd only be a few days and you refused to leave the floor until you heard his voice again."

"I'm thinking Salvino."

He chuckled softly, "I thought your father would have my head for letting you sleep on the castle floor. Luckily for me, you never told him."

Dante remained silent, shivering slightly from the draft air of the room. 

"I fear I may have poisoned you, boy. For too long I've been teaching you my own hate. The truth is, Emeline loved your father, she chose her destiny. I was so angry it wasn't me, I'm sorry."

Dante looked at him, his crimson eyes were misty, "I know. They were so even if they fought, they were happy, I want that. Someone to love, hold, care, kiss. Someone who's mine, who loves me and only me. Someone I wake up beside every morning and sleep close to every night. I dream about her, I love her and I don't even know who she is. I can't be married to some random princess. I have to find her."

"Then go find her Dante. And I promise you will know when you do." 

A/n: Thanks for reading. Let me know what you want to see from this story!

Have a fantastic morning, afternoon, or night!

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