Chapter 4: Reunited

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Y/N and Alexandre sit in silence as they trot towards the orphanage. She knew the stranger had struck a nerve with him, but she couldn't figure out why. She stared out the window for minutes upon minutes until...

"You shouldn't have given him your jewels; if anything, he should be paying you."

"We nearly killed him; why on earth would he pay me?!"

He scoffed, "You're too careless, Y/N; you can't go giving away your possessions and constantly apologizing. You are going to be the next queen; act like it."

"I am. All my wealth comes from taxes. I'm just giving him his money back. You know my opinions on my father's unfair financial laws."

"Well, you shouldn't have let him talk to you in such a perverse way."

Y/N laughed, "You're acting like the child I met years ago at Westwood Academy."

He smiled. "Haha, young me was just very mature; he always knew how to protect you."

"You gave our teacher a Bible because she failed me. Multiple times."

"She was so stubborn, but she gave in eventually."

"Remember when I tripped and scraped my knee, and you carried me to the medical wing?"

"Or how you refused my hugs?"

"Or how you made petition for better lunches?"

"They never gave us enough."

"We still got more than our servants would in a day."

"I might have been slightly entitled."

"I'd say it was much more than slightly, Alexe."

"Since when did we use nicknames?"

"Since right now."

"Okay, butterfly," he smiled, looking at Y/N, whose cheeks were turning bright red, "or would you prefer my love?"

Y/N playfully punched his shoulder, "No thanks, shut up, you tease!"

"I'm not teasing butterfly."

"Haha, yes you are." Her smile fell. "It's been years since we've seen each other."

"I missed you," he said while gently cupping her face.

She flinched away. "You left; I begged you to take me with you."

"You know I couldn't do that." Deep down he wished she would've come. He never realized how much he needed her until she was gone. His father had instructed him to prove his leadership abilities by testing him in one of their territories. He had to leave without saying goodbye, and when he returned, Y/N was a new person. She appeared to have new friends and a new life without him.

An uneasy silence passed between the two. They finally arrived at their destination. Alexe walked into the warm summer air. He loved her ever since they met; nothing and no one could fill the void she left behind.

Y/N approached the few stairs of the carriage, and he rushed towards her. Laughing, he picked her up by her waist, spun her, and set her gently on the pavement.

She smiled and walked towards the charity event.

"I'll keep that smile as long as I can," he thought. "Don't worry, Y/N, I won't leave you again. Next time I'm sent there, you'll be there as my wife."

A/N: Which yandere is catching your interest so far?

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