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It was dark, so so dark.

I could feel the tension course through my body as I stood in the entry way to one of New York's well known, and highly rated... fetish clubs? I questioned why I decided to come here in my free time... but to say that I was curious was an understatement. What better way to cure some curiosity than to go visit one yourself.

That night changed me forever. It helped me understand who I was, as well as who I wanted to continue to be. It explained a lot of questions I also had about myself. My identity, my actions, my thoughts... it all made sense now.

I found myself visiting these clubs as often as I could. Where ever I could. I had my fair share of bad experiences, but also... found many very....very good ones. One of my last visits, before I was due to head back to Korea, solidified the lifestyle that I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. Though, I kept it to myself and from the rest of the kids, I was in fact, proud to be Lee Minho... a submissive, turned Dominant.

Now the rest of the world was my oyster, and I was ready to live life to it's fullest. Step one...find my submissive... the most perfect one. Though in the lifestyle there were may different ways people approached it. Whether it be a one-off, or a regular meeting weekly, monthly or what have you... What I was looking for was a 24/7. Yes, it would be difficult to find someone with the other part of my life I had to live... but I seriously wanted to try.

And this is where my story is going to start... enjoy the ride.

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