Ch.3: Love is trying to burst..♡

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Pacs POV:
I told Mike I liked Fit and he smirked and whisper something teasing me I rolled my eyes and whispered to him "How do I tell if he likes me or not..?" Mike thought for a second then whispered to me "I could get his friend Phil to ask him if he liked someone to it Pac..?" I nodded and walked back the living room with Mike and we chatted until it was night time then me and Fit headed home after saying goodbye to Mike. I was a bit unstable but I could walk most of the time..I felt my eyelids becoming heavy and I tried to stay awake..Fit looked at me and said "Falling asleep eh?" In a calm and a bit worried voice...I nodded then I felt him pick me up bridal style I fell asleep in his arms...

Fits POV:
I looked at Pac he seemed tired and fell asleep in my arms I held him tight and walked the rest of the way home I tried to put him down in the guest bedroom but he wouldn't let go so I layed in the bed with him on top of me hold me tightly and making sure I won't leave...I thought about Ramoñ and how he is asleep in a great dream before I feel someone snuggle into my shirt I looked at Pac and saw he snuggle me like he was holding onto a toy which made me blush a bit..I felt my eyelids becoming heavy....sooner than later I fell asleep..

£Time Skippy£

Fits POV:
I woke up to see Pac closer to my face and snuggle his head into my neck..I sat up but Pac wouldn't let go so I wrapped his legs around my waist which made me blush a bit then I figured out a way to get him onto my back and I went to go make breakfast for me, Pac, and Ramoñ then I heard a yawn and a mumble...

Pacs POV:
I woke up to see that I am holding onto Fits back and I see Fit look at me and he puts me down and say "Good morning Mr. Im clingy when I sleep" he chuckled and smiled my heart melted since hearing him happy was the best thing..I rubbed my eyes and said "Good morning..Do you need help cooking..?" He shaked his head and said "Just go take a seat at the table by Ramoñ.." I saw the kid called Ramoñ he had a fake mustache and he had a purple-brownish hair and a dragon tail not too big not too small he seemed to notice I had a crush on his father/ Fit and teased me about it..didn't know kids could tease adults so easily..


486 words

(My fingers hurt so fucking much..)

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