Ch.4:The Talk with Phil..

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(Before we start Phils POV emoji is a bird since dont got a crow emoji and its only gonna be a Phil and Fit POV)

|💪/Fits POV:
I was walking around the server when I got a call from Phil asking me to come over to his house..I shrugged and started to head to his house. I knocked on his door and he answered. He pulled me into his house and said "I know you have a crush Fit you better tell me or im gonna make you tell me" in a stern voice which made most of the server tell him what he wanted them to tell him so I said "How do you know Phil..?" With no emotion in my voice..He said "Don't question me! Also you know you can have emotion to your voice right?!" He said kinda yelling at me which made me have some emotion..I didn't like being yelled at made me feel useless then I felt something wrapped around me it was Phils wings and he said "Now spit it out Fit..who is your crush..?" His wings tighten around me which made feel a bit more of emotions I said to him "" Phils wings brought me closer to him and he hugged me and said "Wow im proud of you.." He was like the father figure to everyone even me so I hugged him back

|🕊/ Phils POV:
Me and Fit stayed at my house and took care of our children at my house. I don't have a crush on Fit or anything but he is very cute...he never had a good childhood so I like it when he acts like a child sometimes. He asked me "Can I stay here for the night since my house kinda got blown up by..a creeper?" I chuckled and said "Sure you can sleep here for tonight and I'll help you with the rebuilding of the house" I notice he looked tired like he hadn't slept then he said "Thanks Phil your the best" I chuckled and hugged him and he hugged me back then I heard him yawn..I smiled..I felt him go limp a bit so I asked Ramoñ to help me bring his Dad into the house..He chuckled and rolled his eyes and helped me get Fit into the guest bedroom and I made a bed for Ramoñ to sleep in and he fell asleep in it quickly. I read a bed time story to Chayanne and Tallulah. Tallulah fell asleep first so I took off her beanie from her head and her Brown-purpleish hair was messy..after the story was over Chayanne had fallen asleep so I took him out of his duck floatie and took his skull mask off and placed it next to him. I kissed the top there heads and left to go to bed but then heard someone shouting for was Missia and Kirsten...(OKAY BEFORE YOU CONTINUE YOU FUCKING SHIPPER THIS IS MY AU WHERE PHIL HAD TWO PARNETERS WHICH ARE MISSIA AND KIRSTEN WHO IS A GOD AND MISSIA IS JUST MISSIA NOW CONTINUE TO READ YOU SHIPPER) I chuckled and walked over to where they were Kristen picked me and Missia up and brought us to where we slept she then shrunk down to a human sized and we all went to sleep with both of them cuddling me


(594 words)

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