Ch.8:The Hint ♡

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🅿️/Pacs POV:
I woke up a bit tired since of last night. I saw that Fit was still asleep so I thought I should make breakfast for me, Fit, and Ramoñ. So I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen and thought of what to make. I saw Ramoñ was awake and asked him "What would you like for breakfast?". He thought for a second and then said "Can we have pancakes?" In tired but kinda excited voice. I chuckled and said "Of course" He then went to his room to get ready for the day. I started to make pancakes and humming to myself Bang Bang which usually got me dancing but I couldn't dance right now so I just got more energy from it. I contuie to hum it but wanted to sing but couldn't beacuse I was thinking Fit would hear me if I sang it. I was trying to reach something until I felt something around my waist which made me blush a lot. I tried to turn around to see who it was but they wouldn't let me. I felt them put their head on my shoulder and saw it was..Fit?! Maybe he was sleep walking or something he said he only dose that to people he loves like a boyfriend or girlfriend! Wait..WAIT..dose that mean he has a crush on me?! I then felt him let go and rubbed his eyes. He said "Huh..? Mhm..Uh..Oh..Sorry..I was still asleep..still..well good morning.." in a groggy and kinda deep voice. I love his morning voice it is I said "Good morning.." he then asked "What song were you humming?" I blushed a bit and said "Bang Ba-" I was cut off by Fit saying "You know him too?!" In a excited and hyper voice. I chuckled and nodded.

💪/Fits POV:
I could not believe he knew him also! I then asked "Do you wanna sing it with me?" It sounded a bit awkward but Pac agreed and we started to sing. Then he asked with a blush on his face after finshing the pancakes "Do you sing and dance?" I chuckled and said "After Ramoñ leaves sure we can!" He smiled with a blush on his face (GUYS BEFORE YOU CONTINUE FIT ONLY SHOWS FEELINGS AROUND PAC) and I chuckled. He then looked away and I said "Are you blushing? Are you embarrassed?" He just nodded slowly.

💪/Fits POV:
After I dropped off Ramoñ at school I went back to my house and saw Pac waiting for me. I chuckled and grabbed his hands and started to dance with him. After dancing for a while...he accidentally tripped and fell ontop of me landing his lips on mine. I blushed a lot but hid it. He was red and took his lips off of my lips and stood up. I stood up after him and looked at him. He was so flustered and red I stepped close to him and said "You good?" And put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me all red and flustered. He said "N-N-No..that..was..embarrassing..and..felt.." He then mumble and I looked at him confused. I said "What was that?" He then sighed and said "I said it..felt..good?" I blushed a bit but hid it easily and said "Oh..erm..thats good to know im a good kisser" I said jokingly. He laughed a bit and we contuied to dance. Hours later I had to go pick up Ramoñ but Phil said to me on the phone "Dont worry Ramoñ and Chayanne wanna hang out so I can take care of them. I replied with "Thanks Phil your the best!" Then he chuckled and said goodbye. He hung up and Pac looked at me with a smile..a smile that look like it would shoot me down if I was not trying to not blush. We contuied to dance for hours until he said "I-Im tired.." I just asked "You wanna go to bed?" He nodded and let out a tiny yawn which made me blush since at how cute it was. But I hid it and brought him to the bedroom and of course he wanted me to stay so I stayed and fell asleep with him.

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