Ch.12: Confession and a sleepy Fit

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🅿️/Pacs POV:
I saw Fit falling asleep so I let him hold onto me. I yelled out quietly but enough for Ramoñ to hear "Go to bed" I saw him go to sleep and I just smiled at Fit. I held his hand and turned on the TV to see it will be sunny tomorrow which means me, Fit, Ramoñ, and Mike can hang out. Even though it was raining today it would be sunny tomorrow lucky us I guess. I watched TV for a bit until I felt Fit stirring a bit. I just stayed silent and still hoping he wouldn't wake up. But he did but he was still sleepy he thought he was still in a dream probably because he said to me "I love you Pac..I love you so much.." and hugged my close burying his head into my shoulder. I blushed and said "I love you too sleepy you know you are awake..?" He looked at me and said in his sleepy voice "This is real life..?" I laughed and nodded. For once I saw him turn red and I chuckled and jokingly said "I wished you told me in a more romantic way than when your so sleepy Fit" He just hid his head more into my shoulder and I cuddled him. "I'm sorry.." he said and I said "Dont worry I was just joking!" He put his head deep into my chest and started falling asleep again so I listened to the rain and not that long later I fell asleep cuddling my I guess boyfriend...I'll figure it out in the morning...

|is it me or am I getting lazy and not writing more than I used too? I am getting lazy bc my ass is soo tired with school :P|

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