Ch.7: Fits Night-time Breakdown :(

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[Listen to the music after you finsh reading so you can image the ending of the chapter]
💪/Fits POV (in dream):
I was walking to where Pac was with a love letter and some flowers. I then said to Pac "I-I like a partner way.." He laughed and crushed my note and flowers. I just looked at it then fell.

💪/Fits POV (not in dream):
I woke up back to reality breathing heavy and sweating. I felt something on my chest and saw Pac laying ontop of me sleeping still but he was waking up since of the change of my breathing. He open his eyes and looked at me. I tried to act like I didn't wake up from a nightmare. But he could tell easily..and said "Did you have a nightmare?" I couldn't hold it back for much longer and just said "Yea.." with a lump in my throat. He could always tell and told me to sit up which I did. He then sat ontop of my legs and laid on my chest and said "What happend in it..?" I was silent for a few seconds then said "My crush..rejected me and crushed all the stuff I got them.." I looked away but Pac turn my chin back to him. He saw that I was tearing up.

🅿️/Pacs POV:
I saw Fit tearing up and I immediately started to comfort him by hugging him and telling him it was okay. He hugged me back and cried into my shoulder. I just hummed him songs and hugged him. It seemed like he hasn't cried in a while to anyone. It felt like he fell asleep while crying so I was just in his arms. I snuggled up to him and tried to fall asleep but I felt like Fit was still awake. So I said "Are you still awake..Fit..?" He replied with a nod in my shoulder and he snuggled into it. I blushed a bit shook it off and said "Do you want to stay like this for the rest of the night?" He just nodded and made a tiny yawn. He hugged me closer and said "I'm sorry for waking you up" in a tired voice. I replied with "Its fine I don't mind..I just don't want you to cry.." He just mumbled and pulled me closer like he was scared of me going..away.. I think he might..just be still afraid from the nightmare..or maybe he is scared of me become like his partner Spreen..he said that he went out for cigarettes. But I would get that he might have issues like being away from someone he loves or cares about. I'm no one to judge I have issues I'm afraid of being alone. Well I just started to hum a song which I liked a lot. It is called Fallen Down from Undertale. Fits breathing started to slow down as he fell asleep again..He snuggled really close...I contuie to hum the song and hours later I fell asleep...


[531 words]

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