Chapter 4: The Deal

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TW: References to and mentions of past SA/panic attacks


When Delphie stirs in his arms, Astarion's keen senses pick up on her subtle movements, a delicate sensation that pulls him from his sleep. Their features are glowing warmly from the soft flickering ambient light of their makeshift camp. Delphie opens her eyes and catches Astarion's gaze, a drowsy smile playing on her lips.

There is a pleasant camaraderie in the air, a moment shared that transcends the imminent perils of their journey. Astarion smiles back, the true connection between them softening his typically playful demeanor. As they lay there, relishing the calm before the storm, the world outside their bubble seems to disappear.

After a while, the necessity of their mission tugs at them, and they come to an understanding and part from the comfort of their embrace. As Astarion helps Delphie to her feet, the warm touch of their hands lingers for a bit longer than necessary.

A somber determination permeates the air as they begin to get ready for the challenges that lie ahead. The camp begins to come alive with purpose. Each piece of armor is an ode to the battles fought and victories won, and is meticulously put on. Weapons are examined, their polished blades shining in the gentle light.

As the party makes their way through the remains of Reithwin, a foreboding sense of tension fills the air. A gloomy shroud covers the once-beautiful town as the dim light barely filters through the shadows that cling to the collapsing structures. Suddenly, the stillness is shattered by the sinister whispers of unseen foes.

A group of shadows, dark and malevolent, materialize from the inky darkness, accompanied by a legion of shadow-cursed undead. The ambush is swift, catching the party off guard. The energy of battle crackles in the air as blades clash and spells are cast. Shadowheart unleashes guiding bolts that pierce through the shadows with divine precision. Her spirit guardians swirl around her, offering a layer of protection against the approaching darkness.

The fight continues, with each party member defending themselves against the onslaught of attacks. However, the shadows prove to be elusive adversaries that move with an unsettling agility in and out of the strange realm. The situation becomes dire as fatigue sets in, and the group finds themselves overwhelmed.

Delphie's eyes gleam with determination amidst the chaos. She embodies a radiant, mystical surge of power. The hope that nature will be restored to the Shadow-Cursed Lands provides her with strength and a profound personal connection. The spell seems to connect her to the very essence of the nonexistent sun, and she uses it to channel the energy into an immense explosion.

A dazzling circle of light expands outward from Delphie, enveloping the remaining shadows and undead in a brilliant, purifying radiance. As the radiant energy devours the darkness inside the monstrous beings, the creatures writhe and spasm. After being taken aback by Delphie's remarkable performance, the group gathers themselves and continues to the Thorm mausoleum.

As the party ascends a worn flight of stairs within the enigmatic depths of the ruins, a distant yet familiar voice echoes through the ominous town. The resonance of the voice carries a warmth that seeps through the lingering shadows, capturing the attention of the weary adventurers.

The silhouette of a lavender-skinned tiefling with dirty blonde hair emerges as they ascend the stairs. It's Arabella, the small child whose fate was formerly caught up in Kagha's nefarious plans. She recognizes them and beams with happiness when she sees the wood elf who had fearlessly rescued her from the bite of a snake.

With a burst of relief, Arabella rushes towards Delphie. She turns, and her eyes widen in surprise and confusion. Yet, a genuine smile begins to blossom on Delphie's lips, a small yet heartfelt expression that mirrors the relief of finding a familiar face in the midst of uncertainty.

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